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Plant Disease Identification Tool

We cannot allow your plants to suffer from disorders and various diseases damages. Let’s begin treatment with our plant disease identifier and easy in-app ID tool.

Disease Hero Image

Plant disease identification may be a complicated task for a newbie, so we took our time and figured out how we could help. Choose an identifier and check out this guide. Plant diseases are processes that occur in a plant under the influence of various causes, from pathogens to adverse environmental conditions.

What Are Common Plant Diseases?

The most common plant diseases can be safely attributed, first of all, to diseases such as:

  • rust;
  • ascochitosis;
  • septoria;
  • mosaic;
  • bacteriosis;
  • rot;
  • fungi;
  • powdery mildew;
  • mold;
  • leaf curl.

Also, many others are not listed above but can be found on our customizable lists.

Diseases Identification by Plant Type

Numerous plant diseases exist, mainly distributed among such plants as peas, potatoes, buckwheat, grasses, hemp, corn, flax, alfalfa, sunflower, rice, soybeans, tobacco, shag, sainfoin, and many others. Plant disease identification effectively addresses the negative factor that impedes the plant’s growth. All plants found in home gardens or urban areas can be attacked by fungi, emphasizing that fungi can be seen as parasites that provoke fungal diseases in plants.

Tree Disease

The strong framework of the trunk and branches determines the tree's vitality and, of course, its harvest. The trunk and branches contain a complex of tissues that provide strength and growth in length and thickness, transport water and minerals along with the products of photosynthesis, and store nutrients. If the skeleton is affected, the tree has no chance of yielding. In this case, the gardener decides whether to uproot the sick plants or leave.

Flower Disease

The main reason for flower diseases is the violation of conditions of maintenance.

Tomato Disease

Many tomato diseases are listed above, as they are very common.

Crop Disease

Viral diseases cause the greatest damage to cereal crops.

Houseplant Diseases

Diseases of indoor plants require immediate treatment, as the disease spreads quickly in a limited space. 

How to Identify Plant Diseases?

The symptoms of plant diseases are countless, but the most frequent of them can be singled out:

  • leaf fall;
  • brown leaf tips;
  • spots on leaves;
  • wilting of leaves;
  • soft stem or leaves.

In the cases of fungi and other diseases, it is necessary to be aware of the different types of fungi on plants and to prevent and heal them along with rot, rust, etc.

Is There an App to Identify Plant Diseases?

Many apps work as plant scanners, but PlantIn is the only one that takes plant health so seriously it stores detailed information on every plant disease possible! Our plant ID and plant disease ID can identify the names of plants and various diseases by picture or scan, so go ahead and check out the list with the possible diseases and our expert tips on identifying and preventing them!

97 diseases matches “Diseases

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Shot Hole Disease

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Peach Leaf Curl

Peach Leaf Curl

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Nutrient excess

Nutrient excess

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Mechanical damage

Mechanical damage

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Chilling and Frost Injury

Chilling and Frost Injury

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Light or Heat Source Damage

Light or Heat Source Damage

The increased temperature of the environment in which your plant grows can ...

Light excess

Light excess

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Chromista, also known as water molds, are fungus-like eukaryotic organisms....

Finished flowering period

Finished flowering period

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Air-Related Issues

Air-Related Issues

Humidity and drafts can become major troubles for your plant friends. Both ...

Black Knot

Black Knot

Black knot is a fungal infection that affects fruit and ornamental trees. T...

Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Plant Parasitic Nematodes

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Rhizoctonia Blight, Rot and Damping-off

Rhizoctonia Blight, Rot and Damping-off

Rhizoctonia solani is a complex of related species of fungi. This plant pat...

Fusarium wilts, blights, rots and damping-off

Fusarium wilts, blights, rots and damping-off

Fusarium is a soil-borne fungal pathogen causing a variety of plant disease...

White Pine Blister Rust Treatment

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Cronartium ribicola, a rust fungus native to China, causes this disease. Th...

Water-related issue

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How to Fix Overwatered Plants & Uneven Watering

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Water Deficiency in Plants

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Viral Diseases in Plants

Viral Diseases in Plants

Viruses are small pathogenic particles that infect living organisms, thus c...

Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt

This wilt disease affects more than 350 flowering plants from the Eudicots ...

Plant ID


Disease ID
