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Fusarium wilts, blights, rots and damping-off

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Fusarium is a soil-borne fungal pathogen causing a variety of plant diseases such as fusarium wilt, leading to wilting, yellowing, necrosis, leaf drop, and dumping-off. Fusarium blight appears as gray to green spots on leaves progressing into reddish-brown color, typical is also a frog-eye pattern of the spots.

Signs of damage

Young seedlings develop a rot at the crown. Later, the tissue becomes soft and constricted, and the plants wilt and fall over.

How to prevent

Tool Sterilization. Prune Damaged Foliage. Plant Resistant Vareities. Crop Rotation. Keep The Soil From Being Soggy. But Don't Let It Get Too Dry. Sow Seeds The Right Way. Airflow Helps.


Once fusarium wilt infects a plant, there is no effective treatment. Remove and dispose of affected plants immediately; don't compost this garden refuse. Whenever possible, remove and replace fusarium-infected garden soil.

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