PlantIn for Educational organizations

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How to use PlantIn for your edu goals?

Do you want to grow both plants and your own personal knowledge? Download PlantIn to get full access to all the tools and features needed for indoor and outdoor gardening.

Accurate Plant Identifier

Find out names for flowers, succulents, mushrooms, etc. instantly with PlantIn’s ML-trained Identifier

Precise Disease Diagnosis

Use innovative AI technology to diagnose your sick plant in seconds & get a personalized care plan.

Full Plant List with Care Tips & Info

Find and add plants to your app home from a HUGE Base of Plants to learn more about them

Virtual Plant Care Tools

Use the Watering Calculator, Water Reminder, and Light Meter features to measure exactly how much water or light your greenie needs.

Toxicity Checker

Instantly find out if the plant is dangerous for you or your pets.

Plant Parent Community

Read the blog, get advice, and share your planting experience with others.

Plant Growing Guides and Tips

Every greenie gets its own individualized plant care plan based on the Moon Calendar, Weather and Climate.

24/7 Plant Ambulance

The expert botanists are on the hotline to answer all plant-related questions and concerns