Chromista, also known as water molds, are fungus-like eukaryotic organisms. Their cell wall is composed of cellulose and glucans. Chromista produces sexual spores (oospores) and asexual spores (zoospores). The microorganisms are aquatic or soil-inhabiting and cause multiple devastating plant diseases.

Signs of damage
The organisms cause yellow spots on the leaf surface between the veins. These spots keep spreading until the veins turn brown. When the whole leaf goes brown, it falls off. If the plant loses too many leaves, it dies.
The undersides of the leaves may have a fuzz that varies from white to purple in terms of color. Consequently, the fruit growth may stop because the leaves no longer shade them. Then the fruits rot or get sunscald.
You may also notice white blister-like growths on the lower side of the leaves. The stems may be covered in it too. If you dig up the soil around the roots, you may find them swollen. Other symptoms include flower deformation and chlorosis (leaf yellowing).
How to prevent
- Prune your plants regularly.
- Remove weeds to improve air circulation.
- Irrigate your plant early in the morning. This way, you will give the liquid enough time to dry out.
- Remove and destroy plants with severe infections. If possible, only buy healthy plants at gardening stores.
Begin treatment at the first signs of infection. Use organic methods of control only.
- First of all, remove the places where the spores hide. Dispose of the infected debris by burning or burying them.
- Secondly, apply a copper-based fungicide or neem oil. Spray the plant until it's dripping wet. However, keep in mind that neem oil suffocates all insects that it touches. The beneficial insects, including bees, may suffer too. Do not use this essential oil without a clear need. Moreover, we suggest that you apply it in the evening when bees are inactive.
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