I want to know what to do to make it grow more branches because it hasn't grown at all since I bought it.
my fiddle fig is 5 years old. I love her but definitely failing in taking care of her. seems as though i’m over watering. think that’s it? i’ve been able to grow another branch (yay!) but would like her to be fuller, how she used to be. help!
It started drooling a month after i bought it. And now it’s look like a dead plant. I watched video in YT on how to help this plant, but nothing happen.
Waiting for answer
I noticed whitening at the tips of some of the leaves. Any idea on how to fix it?
Hi everyone! These babies were delivered yesterday frozen solid. The soil has defrosted and I really want to save them. Can they be saved and what should I do? Im pretty sure the leaves are not salvageable but maybe if I cut them down to the soil? What do you think?
follow me on the bud app. https://growbud.co/shared/sharedGrow?plantId=cKSqQ5ZTBE
Full morning sun with some direct sun.
I repotted this plant Jan 15 and she looked weepy and sad. Today she is standing pretty . I named her Fancy.
I wish the nutrient deficiency icon would let me know what I should do to help my little plant. Anyone know what it needs?
my favourite plant i own. was dying in a store so brought him home and have been bringing him back to life. today i have seen we have a new leaf!
Toprağı yüzde 80 kuruyken sulayın bol güneş ve 2 haftada bir gübre 🌱
It was given to me by Neighbor and I feel like it’s been stagnant state exactly like this. I feel that it may have been just underwater so I’m gonna keep an eye on it, but I wanted to see if anybody else had any suggestions.
Die Erde war zu nass, jetzt sieht mein Kaktus unten so aus.
Please help to my overwatering violent. What could i do to be good this plant and bring flowers?
Que Belleza
Se me está secando algo que puesda hacer
I would love to keep her but never had anything like this!
Featuring a few of my pretty babies, only cost me $59 🥳🌾
Does anyone have experience bringing this type of plant back to life? The leaves have rapidly fallen off. Have had the plant for over 3 yrs. It was very full of life as recent as a month ago. Since temps have dropped in my area, I think my plant has suffered. My thermostat is at 73 degrees which is supposed to be an acceptable temp. Recently repotted and cut off a dead limb. I’m desperate for help!
Variegated Peace Lily
Deers foot fern, false aralia and coffee tree
No entiendo que es lo que tiene y cómo quitárselo alguien sabe?
Samambaia meia chatinha mas amoo woow
I will try to use these tiny clay pebbles as a medium to propagate plants using my hydroponic system. I think these baskets are not that big but I will choose the smaller ones. #hydroponic
Rescued this plant from the back alley a few months ago and now look at it!
This ongoing bloomer has fully unfurled the second bloom of the winter and it looks amazing! Pictures don’t do it justice 💚
It’s a type of corn plant. Very slow growing, bloomed once. Small white flowers grouped together in an inch wide spiral on a stalk. Very unusual and pretty.
Plant ID
Disease ID