Humidity and drafts can become major troubles for your plant friends. Both extra low and extra high humidity stunt growth and lead to diseases, and the same goes for cold and hot drafts. Yet there are some techniques to adapt air quality to your plant’s needs.
Air-Related Issues

Signs of damage
It can be challenging to figure out what’s wrong with your plant if the problem is air-related. The symptoms aren’t that specific.
If the extra low humidity or hot/cold drafts are an issue, you may notice these symptoms:
- The whole plant is drooping
- Leaves turn brown, yellow, or faded
- Leaves look like they’ve been burned
These are very similar to frequent cases of overwatering. However, if your plant exhibits these symptoms even if you’re following the proper watering schedule, air might be the issue.
Extra high humidity can cause yellowing leaves and drooping plants. This is similar to overwatering, so check whether overwatering isn’t an issue first. In some places (basements, for example), humidity may be so high that it provokes mold growth.
How to prevent
In the case of hot and cold drafts, preventing the air-related issues is easy. Keep your plants away from stuff emitting hot air, such as:
- Heat vents
- Radiators
- Stoves
- Electrical appliances with hot surfaces (fridges, washing machines, etc.)
- Fireplaces
Keep your greenies away from cold air as well. Avoid these:
- Exterior doors that let in cold air each time you open them
- Air conditioners
- Poorly insulated windows
In case of humidity, preventing the air-related issues may be more challenging. Tropical plants need more humid environments than humans, while succulents are fine with dry air. You can reduce humidity using a dehumidifier, fan, or air conditioner. To increase humidity, use a humidifier or mist your plants. In dry winters, you can relocate your plants in the bathroom for a few days. Hanging clothes to dry inside the room can also help to increase humidity.
In case of hot/cold drafts, remove the plant to a better place. In case of humidity issues, use one of the techniques or devices described above. If your plant has been in overly humid conditions, keep an eye on root rot and fungus. If these develop, you’ll have to treat them separately.
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