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Mar 15 · 8 min read

What Does 420 Friendly Mean?

Pay attention that growing marijuana may be subject to special restrictions and regulation in your country or state. Please contact your attorney to obtain advice before cultivating cannabis.

Even if you’re not a seasoned stoner, you’ve probably heard the “420-friendly” expression at least once. Maybe it was your buddy who dropped the phrase, or you’ve seen a sign slapped on the doors of a business. Anyways, something made you wonder what does 420-friendly mean. The truth is simple: it means that somebody isn't against you smoking a joint in their vicinity. In this article, we’ll break down the history of the phrase before explaining what it means in commonplace situations. 

The Hidden Meaning of 4/20

What is 4/20 friendly? It means that cannabis users are welcome. But why exactly 4/20? Why not 8/70 or 111? The riddle can be solved quite easily. 4/20 friendly means what it means because historically people gathered to smoke weed at 4.20 p.m. The time later gave rise to a counterculture holiday celebrated on April 20th. On this day, stoners from around the world stand up to protect their rights and freedoms. 

The Origin of the Term "420 Friendly"

The meaning of “420-friendly” has a pretty complicated history though. Back in 1971, a group of high school students in San Rafael, California, known as the Waldos, decided to search for an abandoned cannabis crop based on a treasure map made by the grower. The Waldos would meet up at 4:20 pm at the Louis Pasteur statue on the school's grounds to start their search. Although they never found the crop, their meeting time eventually became a code-word for consuming cannabis - and that's how "420" became a part of the cannabis culture. The term became popularized by mass media in the 1990s and is now largely a part of the mainstream language. 

Common Uses and Meaning of 420 Friendly

Now, 4/20-friendly can mean a bit different things depending on the context. Read below if you don’t want to misinterpret the phrase and end up in awkward situations. 

On Tinder And Other Dating Apps, Sites

If you're in the dating scene, you might come across the term "420-friendly" on someone's profile, among other interests or personality traits they list. This usually means that the person either consumes cannabis or is okay with being around it. Keep in mind that just because someone is 420-friendly, it doesn't necessarily mean they're as passionate about cannabis as you might be. However, if you live in an area where cannabis is legal, it might be worth putting "420-friendly" on your dating profile and being clear about what that means for you.

Tinder on the Smartphone

In Gaming

If you're a regular user of Discord, you might have come across the phrase "420-friendly" being used as a tag on servers or in people's usernames. In this context, it usually means that the server or user is open to discussions about cannabis or that they consume it themselves. The attitudes to weed vary greatly in a gaming community (largely because the effects of weed on game performance aren’t always great), so 4/20-friendly servers and communities are your go-to choice if you want to feel safe and comfy while playing.

Gaming at Night

On AirBnB

If you’re searching for an apartment to smoke pot, keep an eye out on the “420-friendly” expression while scrolling through your options. It means you can smoke weed or consume cannabis products in that space without a hitch. This can be especially important if you're moving in with roommates or sharing a hotel room, as not everyone is comfortable with marijuana use. However, it's important to double-check the rules about what kinds of cannabis consumption are allowed in the space. For example, some places might not allow smoking but may allow vaping or edibles. So, be sure to clarify the specifics before booking your next trip or signing that lease.

Looking for Apartment in Airbnb

On Craigslist

On Craigslist, 420-friendly means basically the same thing. The place is cannabis-friendly. However, you still need to make sure the owners allow the kind of cannabis consumption you’re planning.

A Woman Browsing on Her Laptop

On Travel Websites

If you're planning a trip to a "420-friendly" destination, you might be wondering what that really means. For starters, it could mean that the region is relaxed about marijuana use, allowing people to smoke or consume it without fear of legal repercussions. Additionally, it could indicate that the city is home to some of the most epic cannabis-related events and festivals you've ever experienced. But perhaps most importantly, a "420-friendly" destination might mean that marijuana is deeply ingrained in the city's culture and history. Whatever the case may be, if you're headed to a "420-friendly" city, be prepared for cannabis use to be as normal and everyday as buying groceries.

A Woman Taking a Picture During Her Travels

To Potheads

What does 4/20 friendly mean if your fellow pothead uses the expression? Don’t get bothered – they mean exactly what they say.

A Girl Exhaling Smoke


What Does 710 Friendly Mean?

710-friendly means that a person or place is open to the consumption and use of cannabis concentrates, such as oils, distillates, and resins. It has become a cultural symbol for concentrate consumers and means that this form of consumption is preferred. 

What States Are 420 Friendly? 

Recreational marijuana is legal in these states and territories: Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Washington D.C., California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Michigan, Vermont, Guam, Illinois, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, New Mexico, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Missouri.

What Is 4:20 Friendly Meaning in the Urban Dictionary?

Urban dictionary contributors explain that 4/20 friendly means either the time to smoke marijuana, the holiday on the 20th of April, or Adolf Hitler’s birthday. We can assure you that the latter meaning isn’t very common.

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