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Jul 26 · 8 min read

How To Get Rid of the Smell of Weed (Full Marijuana Guide of 30+ Ways)

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Whereas smoking cannabis is sheer bliss, what’s counter-euphoric is how to get rid of the smell of weed! This may not sound alarming in your own smoking den, but problematic in rented apartments, hotels, or public spaces where you can face serious charges. On top of that, if you are always on the go, brushing elbows with your boss in a company meeting or casually catching up with anti-smoke friends or family, weed smell can turn the tables against you. For this reason, we have prepared a short guide to avoid the issue!

Is It Possible to Get Rid of the Weed Smell?

You can absolutely get rid of the weed smell with some straightforward hacks, some even available at home! Natural ventilation, air fresheners, and odor-absorbing products like baking soda and coal are your go-to options to neutralize the pungent smell.

A Person Pressing the Nose

Common Safe Methods to Try to Remove the Smell

Although an overwhelming number of simple techniques can be tried at home on how to get rid of weed smell quickly, the most common ones are the following:

  • Ventilate. To release some of that billowing marijuana smoke, opening your windows or turning on the kitchen fan is your fastest option. This is, apparently, the speediest way to wear off that smell in your room, unless it is lined with carpet or curtains where the odor can seep into. Hence, you need other measures to not get caught!
  • Lit a candle. Do candles help with the weed smell? Absolutely! In winter, when you can’t afford to open windows permanently, lighting a scented candle or incense is a good way to mask the odor. It is a last-minute option if you are hosting a guest, but the smell may go back after a while.
  • Spray air fresheners. Like aromatic candles, a multitude of home fresheners with different floral and fruity scents can also help conceal the smell. You can use aerosol sprays branded with eco-friendly and pet-friendly marks to ensure it’s home-safe!
  • Utilize odor-neutralizing products. While other methods eliminate weed odor by enshrouding it with a counteractive, desirable scent, using substances including baking soda, activated charcoal, and chlorine dioxide directly capture and bind to the terpenes, making it less perceptible to the nose.
  • Practice good hygiene. The stubborn odor-causing terpenes can stay in your clothes and breathe! Fortunately, brushing your teeth, cleansing your palate with mint gum, changing clothes, and taking a quick shower are old but golden tricks on how to get the weed smell out effectively.

Simple and common is good… Especially when you need a fail-safe way to freshen up your apartment before the guests come over!

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What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of the Smell of Weed?

How to get rid of the marijuana smell? It can be tricky but a compelling task once accomplished. The best strategy is to combine as many possible options. However, if you are short of time, using aerosol sprays and scented candles is the best and quick way to cover up that odor.

How Long Until Weed Loses Its Smell?

Based on uncontested testimonies of the weed-smoking citizens, without actively smooching on clothes or just by merely standing next to the observer, you will need 10 mins to stay undetectable. However, to be safe, allow ample time to let the odoriferous substance diffuse out. What gets rid of the smell of weed here is the natural air, so wait approximately 20 minutes to be sure.

How to Get Rid of Weed Smell out of:

To specifically answer what gets rid of weed smell better on each occasion, including, but not limited to, the following:


Most of the weed community prefers smoking in the house for one reason: disputes are unlikely to arise. Apart from this advantage, you also have the freedom to choose which method to implement, including ventilation, air sprays, essential oil diffusers, and chemical scent removers. Use this according to whatever is convenient for you.

How long does it take: 10-60 mins.

A Light Living Room


Part of your objectives in removing weed smell includes your corporate clothes, as this is the closest fabric in the body where terpenes are absorbed. Popping it in the washing machine with a white vinegar rinsing cycle or pre-soaking in baking soda mutes the active smell. Better off, hang it outdoors and finish it off with a generous spritz of eau de toilette or any cologne to mask the smell.

How long does it take: 20 mins-3 hours.

Clothes Hanging Outdoors


What kills the weed smell in shoes is baking soda. It can be inconvenient for non-smokers because the shoes act as an odor sink. First, place a heap of sodium bicarbonate on a coffee filter or a cupcake paper mold, tie it with a rubber band, and insert it inside your shoes. For better results, you can add a few drops of lavender oil or any essential oil to the mixture.

How long does it take: 1-2 days.

Shoes Hanging on a Thread

Hotel Room

Unless you want to pay a few bucks from the service fee, open the windows, and belch out the smoke while having a joint. After enjoying your pot, spray an air freshener or deodorizer to hide that lingering burnt smell.

How long does it take: 1-2 hours.

Hotel Room Opening


A special marijuana odor-removing spray can be purchased online that is effective in non-washable couches. After a gentle spray, take the pillows away, air the sofa outside under the sun, or sprinkle a few bits of baking soda; siphon with a vacuum after overnight treatment. If the stench smell persists, an upholstery cleaner is your best choice!

How long does it take: 2-3 hours to 1 day.

A Person on a Couch


Like the shoes, baking soda is your practical solution to remove detectable weed residues in your carpet. Sprinkle the powder over your carpet and let it sit overnight or two. Vacuum it out after the curing time. Alternatively, washing is also a good option, if you want to completely eliminate the stinky gaseous molecules.

How long does it take: 1-2 days

Carpet Under the Bed

Car after Hotbox

You can deodorize your car with other previous methods (ventilation, baking soda, or essential oils). However, one highly recommended solution is to use a cinnamon air freshener that complements well with the leathery smell in cars but does an outstanding masking effect. Car ozone generators, available online, also tone down potent smells.

How long does it take: 2-3 hours.

Inside of a Car

Apartment from Neighbors

Like your house, you also have a multitude of options to neutralize the strong scent of marijuana strains. Merely opening the windows and turning on the kitchen or bathroom exhaust would make a big difference. If you are a bit extra, air fresheners, fragrant candles, diffusers, or essential oils can be utilized to bring down that smell.

How long does it take: 20-60 mins.

Apartment Building


If you are unsure how to remove the weed smell in your closet, the answer is simple: either you actively absorb the smell with barbecue charcoal, baking soda, or white vinegar (leaving it closed for a few days) or use masking scents from essential oils, scented candles, or air-fresheners. 

How long does it take: 2-3 days.

Closet With T-Shirts


While you can spray your hair with cologne, fabric conditioner, or even vodka, it will not truly eliminate the smell (and a bonus nasty sensation!). The best way to stop emitting odor is to wash your hair with shampoo or cover your hair with a shower cap before smoking.

How long does it take: 10-20 mins.  

A Girl Touching her Hair


Perhaps the easiest part to clear off any smoking evidence is your hands! Simply using alcohol, sanitizing gel, or rubbing it with baking soda (if you like the texture, though) is a water-free way of removing terpene molecules; there’s another groundbreaking solution – wash hands!

How long does it take: 5-10 mins.

Rubbing Hands together

Good job! Time to take a deep breath, and enjoy the fresh air, until the time comes to do it all over again.


What Smells Counteract the Smell of Weed?

Strong citrusy or lavender essential oils are some of your choices to counteract and eliminate weed smell in your room. Mild, soothing fragrances like chia, pine, or floral aroma also work the same wonders.

How to Get Rid of Weed Smell Quickly?

To remove weed smell quickly, you will need to ventilate. But it does not end here. Purifying the air using scented candles and aerosol sprays are attested methods to not escape from the smoke hide-and-seek game.

Do Candles Help with Weed Smell?

It’s a big yes! A few people wondering how to get rid of a weed smell are often stunned by how this simple lighting of a scented candle works like a charm, saving their souls from being caught in the act.

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