If you're looking for an easy-to-grow veggie to add to your garden, or you are a new gardener who wants to enjoy a plentiful harvest, try growing Romaine Lettuce at home. This is one of the easiest vegetables to grow, and salads and sandwiches simply taste better with homegrown veggies.
Romaine Lettuce Care
Lactuca Sativa L. Var. Longifolia

The Romaine Lettuce crop grows upright, with tall, dark-colored leaves and crisp ribs. The leaves can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. In most grocery stores, the Lettuce is sold as 'hearts,' which means that the softer outer leaves are removed, and only the inner crisper foliage remains. These hold the most flavor and texture. Unlike most other varieties of Lettuce, Romaine is heat-tolerant. Many other varieties will quickly bolt in hot weather.
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How to Care for the Plant
No worries if you lack garden space or only have a balcony; you can easily grow Romaine Lettuce in containers and pots. Use a 6 to 12-inch (15-30cm) pot so that the plant’s roots have plenty of room to grow. The larger the pot, the bigger your Romaine will be. Ensure your pot has drainage in the bottom to help prevent the roots from rotting.
Fun fact
Romaine Lettuce, or Lactuca Sativa var. Longifolia has been around for many, many years. Records of this veggie have been recorded in ancient Egypt as early as 4500 BC. The name "Romaine Lettuce" comes from the plant's popularity in ancient Greece (Rome), where the plant was widely cultivated and consumed.
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