speciesnative-plantslistMar 28 · 14 min readFull Guide to Texas Native PlantsThink Texas is just BBQ and bluebonnets? Think again. From desert blooms to swamp giants, Texas native plants are wild, tough, and beautiful. Ready to transform your garden? Let’s dig in!
speciesexplainergardenAug 7 · 5 min readWhen to Pick Banana Peppers – Harvesting TipsCraving the crispiest, most flavorful banana peppers? Discover the magic moment for harvesting your peppers to ensure unbeatable sweetness and crunch. Our guide will show you how to get it just right!
speciesfunguslistJul 23 · 8 min readTop Cool Mushrooms & Other Unique Fungi WorldwideHave you ever wondered how many cool mushrooms there are? From fairytale-like species to fungi that look like horror movie props, they come in a myriad of shapes, sizes, and colors.
speciesgardeningoutdoor-growingMay 21 · 10 min readBest and Worst Kale Companion PlantsWhile you already know the star of this cropping season – your kale – planning what plants to choose can be quite a pain, especially if you want to grow everything.
speciesgardeningoutdoor-growingMay 17 · 10 min readFull Guide on Corn Companion PlantsCorn companion plants deliver chief advantages to your golden kernels. This league of garden maestros is a living barricade against any pest’s potential invasion...
speciesdogsgardenMay 16 · 6 min readCan Dogs Eat Mushrooms – Safe & Poisonous Varieties"Help! Can dogs eat mushrooms?" We often receive these messages from our plant parents, who also happen to be dog owners. Today, all of those will be answered!
speciesgardeningoutdoor-growingMay 7 · 7 min readFull Guide on Lettuce Companion PlantsWhile your favorite salad bowl veggies are relatively fuss-free and easy to grow, they can do better, sharing the same space with other crops.
speciesflowerflower-meaningsMar 13 · 10 min readFull Guide on Lotus Flower Meaning, Symbolism and Plant OverviewLotus is an abstract depiction of various religious entities. Because this knowledge may be limited only to where it is commonly cultivated and traded, we will try to shed light on the legends.
speciesgardeningoutdoor-cultivationFeb 27 · 11 min readFull Guide on Best and Worst Potato Companion PlantsPotato companion plants are a diverse crop family thought to have positive agronomic effects on potatoes, soil, and even pest protection.
speciesfruitplantingFeb 20 · 8 min readFull Guide on Blueberry Companion PlantsSome crops can help blueberries in various ways, all of which are directed to soil improvement, pest resistance, and harvest increment. So, come along to the world of companion plants for blueberries!
speciesoutdoor-growinggardenJan 30 · 11 min readFull Guide on Sweet Potato Companion PlantsSweet Potato, low-profile horticultural maestros, help your plant grow in various ways – thwart creeping pests, invite natural garden defenders and pollinators, and improve the soil status.
specieschristmasoverwateringDec 5 · 7 min readPoinsettia Watering GuideHoliday homes often find themselves full of beautiful red leaves; what are they? Poinsettias! But you may find yourself asking how often to water Poinsettia plants. Here is your watering guide.
speciestemperaturetop-choiceNov 28 · 7 min read2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map Update: What Is Changing?For the first time since 2012, there is a new USDA plant hardiness zone map! 2023 brings a brand-new update to the respectable guide.
speciesexplainerNov 7 · 7 min readEverything about Ocean Plants in Marine GardensDelve into the beauty of the marine world with this article. Here you'll learn the different types of ocean plants and discover their role in the ecosystem.
speciesgrowingoutdoor-cultivationOct 24 · 5 min readHow Long Does It Take to Grow a Christmas Tree?Our much-loved nativity symbol may take time to become a fully-sized tree display, but it depends on the species, cultivation practices, and the right conditions.