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Jul 29 · 7 min read

Why Bamboo Leaves Turning Yellow or Brown?

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5cfc418f-94ee-493c-86cc-318f5b961ff0.jpg Healthy bamboo is surprisingly resistant to pests and diseases. Even so, you may occasionally notice spots and discolorations that indicate problems. This article has the answer to common bamboo leaf problems.


7daa7ad8-1ab6-4338-b230-4938e739374c.jpg Yellowing of the leaves and trunk of indoor bamboo is a fairly common problem among plant growers. Most often, the plant can be returned to its normal state, but in some cases, the yellowed bamboo may die. Reason: If your bamboo grows in an aquatic environment or gibrogel (hydroponics) without soil, then there are only a few reasons for the yellowing of the leaves and trunk of the plant, and it is very easy to deal with them:

The first and most common reason why bamboo growing in water turns yellow is the poor quality of the water in which the flower grows.

If you pour tap water into a container with dracaena, then be sure that your plant will not be green for a long time. Worst of all, it tolerates the presence of a large amount of chlorine in the water, and there is always plenty of it in our water. The high salinity of the water also has a negative effect on indoor bamboo. Therefore, before pouring tap water into a container with a plant, it must first be filtered (it can be done through an ordinary household filter jug) and defended. Many Americans and Europeans use specially purchased or distilled water for the plant.

The second reason why the leaves and even the trunk of bamboo turn yellow is the excess of fertilizers and minerals in the water with the plant. The longer the dracaena stays in such water, the more difficult it will be to save it. The bamboo growing in water should be fertilized no more than once every six months. If you have fertilized the plant and noticed yellowing of the leaves, you just need to change the water in the container and rinse the container well, since mineral substances could be deposited on its walls.

Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves is direct sunlight falling on the dracaena. This plant reacts very negatively to the bright sun: from direct sunlight, yellow spots begin to appear on the leaves or the whole leaves turn yellow. If the bamboo is not removed from the bright sun, it can quickly die.

Drafts, especially cold ones, can also cause yellowing of the flower leaves. It is a heat-loving plant, the optimum temperature for it is 25-30 degrees C (77-86 F). If the temperature drops below 18 degrees C (64,4 °F), the plant begins to die, and yellowing may be the first sign of this.

Dry leaf tips

This is a development of the previous case, when you see that there are dry tips, this is due to the lack of ventilation of the bones, if the plant is near the window, it needs to be slightly opened, it does not support the wind, but if it needs air, but all the tips may be yellow and with brown dry patches.

If there are white spots and streaks on the bamboo leaves ... This may be part of the natural color. However, decorative uniform spots must be distinguished from white bloom, or single spots, which are a sign of disease, or the presence of pests.

Long and thin leaves

This is also a consequence of the lack of light, remember that this plant needs natural light, these long and thin leaves later, if the problem develops, they will turn yellow. Before they start to turn yellow, the water is changed more often every 4 days.

Dark spots on the leaves

Reason: Fungal rot. Solution: Cut off problem areas, treat the cuts with wax, treat the plant with a fungicide.

Darkening and falling leaves

Reason: Hypothermia. Solution: Maintaining a comfortable room temperature.

Sticky leaves

Reason: Aphid. Solution: Treat with insecticide.

Spider web on the leaves

Reason: Spider mites. Solution: Treat with insecticide or soapy water.

Falling leaves

Reason: 1. Age renewal. 2.Improper organization of watering. Adult specimens sometimes shed their foliage, this is normal. Solution: Remember to moisturize the soil. Follow the recommendations from the "Watering" item.

Final thoughts

If you see the problem right away, then fixing the flaws is not difficult. If not, you just have to normalize bamboo care, fully following all the rules specified in this article.

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