Pay attention that growing marijuana may be subject to special restrictions and regulation in your country or state. Please contact your attorney to obtain advice before cultivating cannabis.
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Pay attention that growing marijuana may be subject to special restrictions and regulation in your country or state. Please contact your attorney to obtain advice before cultivating cannabis.
Often, when growing weed, it manifests itself with its cannabis plant diseases, among which are fungal and bacterial infections, diseases associated with attacks of insect pests and problems caused by improper care. Often these weed diseases can be seen with the naked eye, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the plant. Let's take a look at the most common weed diseases in each of these groups.
Fungal and bacterial infections
Fungal and bacterial cannabis diseases caused by the penetration of various types of infections into plants.
Gray rot
This is a very topical bacterial cannabis disease that can affect all parts of the plant except the roots. At the first stage, the disease manifests itself as constantly weeping leaves, on which a gray bloom appears. Then the foliage becomes covered with small black specks, and if you do not take action, the inflorescences begin to rot, and the stem can become brittle. The disease manifests itself in conditions of high humidity and overflow of hemp bushes, especially often against the background of a decrease in air temperature.
If you notice the first symptoms of gray rot on the leaves, it is best to immediately spray the bushes with Bordeaux liquid, which can be purchased at any grower store. If gray rot has hit the bush badly, then it is better to remove it altogether so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants.
White rot
Fungal disease in which the branches and stems of plants become very lethargic and yellow. Below, on the main stem, a weeping spot appears, which is overgrown with a whitish mossy bloom. Even before these visible signs are found, plants begin to lose their leaves.
If you find symptoms of the disease, you should immediately reduce the watering of the marijuana bushes, spray them with a water-soap solution or special fungicidal agents. If the lesion with white rot has spread to the entire bush, it is better to throw it away so that the infection does not infect other plants that can still be saved.
Powdery mildew
It is a fungal disease that affects the leaves of cannabis. White spots appear on them - it seems that the bushes have been sprinkled with flour. The fungus can appear with high humidity and inadequate ventilation and air circulation in the grow box.
If powdery mildew has infected the leaves of the hemp, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, first wipe the affected areas of the foliage with a cloth soaked in water. Then - spray the plants from the spray bottle with fungicidal preparations. To prevent the plant from getting sick again, you need to remove moisture, replace the topsoil and provide good ventilation.
Diseases caused by pests
Transparent greenhouse mite
A very dangerous pest that lives inside the plant - in the microcracks of the stem and inflorescences, it also lays eggs there. The size of a transparent tick is very small, so it is simply impossible to see it with the naked eye. Pest attacks can be tracked by their negative consequences. Young shoots become wet, new leaves do not grow, yellow spots may appear on the branches, as if from burns, and the buds on the color turn brown and die off. The edges of the leaves are curved upward, but unlike the light burn of cannabis, they have a wet glossy sheen, which will determine the nature of the problem. Leaves can curl into tubes
It is very difficult to remove a transparent mite - for this you need to use special anti-mite preparations for plants, spraying the bushes several times.
This insect is a small white-winged moth that feeds on plant juices and is very fond of humid climates. A symptom of whitefly damage to bushes is the presence of sticky sugar dew, which in turn can provoke the multiplication of fungi and bacteria. The plant affected by the whitefly becomes weak and dehydrated, the leaves dry out and fall off.
A good preventive measure is to reduce humidity in the greenhouse, as well as provide ventilation. You can fight the pest in different ways: spray the foliage with a solution of garlic, add the natural enemies of whiteflies - ladybirds, and manually collect the larvae.
The main difficulty in the fight against aphids is the rate of reproduction of these pests. It is enough for one individual to enter the greenhouse with the plant, and soon the insect will multiply and hit the whole plant. Aphids settle on the back of hemp leaves, on the stems of young shoots at the point of growth. Aphid colonies weaken plants, leaves begin to curl and die off, curling of leaves on young apical shoots is especially noticeable.
The most effective methods of dealing with aphids are with the help of special combined preparations that combine contact and systemic action. However, before using the product, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them so as not to harm the bushes with the help of drugs with a high content of pesticides.
Illness due to improper care
Many cannabis diseases are associated with stressors. The main stress factors that lead to illness are overfilling or underfilling, lack or excess of nutrients or microelements, and improper temperature conditions.
Light burns. They show themselves as yellowed leaves on the bushes. Burns weaken the plants, and if the stress factor is not eliminated, they can lead to the death of the bush. Leaf burns appear due to incorrect selection of lamps or incorrect selection of the distance to the top of the plants.
Underfilling / overflow. In both cases, the symptoms look the same - the leaves sag, become soft and lifeless, turn yellow. And in fact, and in another case, the plants get sick due to a lack of moisture in the leaves. When overflowing, the access of oxygen through the roots is blocked; when underfilling, the bushes also do not receive the required amount of moisture for full development.
Lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen is especially important during the growing season. Its lack will entail a change in the color of the bushes - the plants will turn yellow from bottom to top, and in critical cases, the leaves will begin to fall off. With a lack of nitrogen, you should not count on large yields.
Final thoughts
To avoid the diseases, you should carefully monitor the growth conditions, temperature, humidity, and the amount of fertilizer. Only by carefully examining the bushes, you can promptly identify the symptoms of the disease and take the necessary measures.