Pay attention that growing marijuana may be subject to special restrictions and regulation in your country or state. Please contact your attorney to obtain advice before cultivating cannabis.
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Providing cannabis with water is one of the main tasks of the grower. Hand watering has always been the most common way to feed cannabis. But is it that effective in all cases?
Why is the hand-watering feeding system not perfect?
We're assuming you always use hand watering if you're an amateur or you're just into growing small amounts of cannabis for your own use. In this case, you're not facing the challenge of managing dozens of plants and just enjoy the plant care. But what if you need cannabis auto watering system as you are growing cannabis commercially?
Then hand watering suddenly becomes terribly expensive, time-consuming and relatively inaccurate. Irrigation is one of the best cannabis watering systems as it reduces waste and improves control over your plants. The automatic system helps you better manage and distribute the water, and with it, nutrients.
Is drip irrigation the best solution?
Drip irrigation is the gradual application of water directly to the roots of the plant. It all happens under low pressure, and at the same time, water and nutrients are delivered in small doses. Despite its name, this system can be implemented in various ways: spray, fog, or a standard emitter.
Conventional sprinklers are impractical because they consume a gallon of water per minute. And a hydroponics system, like drainage or flooding, has no control over the water supply system.
The advantage of drip emitters is that they can release just a certain amount of water, and it is usually measured in gallons per hour.
Irrigation types
Drip irrigation systems come in several trendy styles. They all vary in price and quality, so you can choose the right cannabis feeding system product for yourself and try it out in action, appreciating the practicality.
Standard drip irrigation
This automatic watering system for cannabis uses tubes to supply water. It consists of a water filter and a timer that regulates the supply of water. However, an essential thing in this method is using a pressure regulator that controls water flow.
Bottled drip irrigation
This is a budget-friendly cannabis nutritional system that can benefit you too. The cost issue can change if you use this simple method. In such a system, you utilize bottles by placing them close to the roots of the marijuana.
What are the advantages of an irrigation feeding system?
- Since the method delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant roots, fertilizer losses are significantly reduced.
- The irrigation system is automatic, and the three-hour hand-watering process is replaced by 20 minutes of action.
- The hand-watering method sometimes destroys plants and roots if the pressure is too high. An automatic cannabis feeding system, on the other hand, makes the roots healthy and also optimizes soil moisture around the plant.
- Given that the water gets to the roots, it significantly reduces the risk of weeds.
- The liquid and nutrients are precisely distributed equally between the marijuana plants.
- A low-pressure irrigation system means less electricity consumption.
Does the irrigation system have its drawbacks?
- Of course, it has. However, these disadvantages are often associated with the care of growers. They must keep an eye on the appliance.
- Inexperienced cultivators often fail to set up the automatic watering system for cannabis correctly, leading to irrigation problems, which can be detrimental to the plant.
- Highly-concentrated nutrients can cause salt build-up around the plant.
- Problems with water filtration lead to contamination of the irrigation system and its subsequent malfunction.
- The plastic problem also exists. If you are using an inexpensive irrigation system, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause the chemicals from plastic to enter the plant itself.
- An irrigation system requires special care and maintenance. It is always best to involve professionals in this business. They are the ones who can inspect your system and replace necessary parts.
- Despite the prevalence of traditional hand watering, which is widely used today, you should not lean solely to the good old methods. What has been used since ancient times should not be the only solution. In addition, a cannabis automatic watering system can reimburse you for subsequent water and nutrient costs for your marijuana plants.
What Is the Best Automatic Plant Watering System?
Why do the extra work yourself, if you can make use of up-to-date technology? We have prepared a list of the best automatic plant watering systems to help you out with maintaining your greenie in a happy mood:
- SPlant Big Power Automatic Drip Irrigation Kit
- RAINPOINT WiFi Automatic Watering System
- Raindrip R560DP Automatic Watering Kit
- MANGOIT Self Plant Watering Spikes
- Continental AWS-10
Choose the one that best suits your needs and relax. Your plants have a watering nanny of their own!
How to Set Up an Automatic Watering System for a Grow Tent?
An easy and effective way to ensure that your plants receive the water they need is to setup an automated grow irrigation system. Okay, so even though watering itself is simple, setting up the system is challenging. Not to worry! We have broken down the whole process into easy steps:
- Step 1: Choose the right watering system for your grow tent. Drippers, misters, and ebb and flow irrigation systems are just a few of the several types that are available. Do you find it difficult comes to choosing from all of these options? Think on the size of your grow tent, how many plants you have, and your spending limit! These elements can all drastically reduce the possibilities.
- Step 2: Install the watering system. Follow the instructions closely. Numerous materials and tools, including tubing, a water pump, and a timer, may be required, so make sure you have them all.
- Step 3: Start the stopwatch. The irrigation system's on and off times will be determined by the timer. Make sure the intervals are adjusted in line with the demands of your plants.
- Step 4: Connect the tubing to the water pump. After ensuring there are no leaks, attach the tubing to the irrigation system. To check that the system is operating properly, fill the reservoir with water and turn on the pump.
- Step 5: Conduct a test. To confirm that the system is functioning properly, let it run for a few hours. Don’t skip the test! It might be a crucial factor in your plant’s well-being.
Done! Finally, no more hand-watering…Setting up an automatic irrigation system for a grow tent is a relatively simple process (if you have our tips in mind, of course!). With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure that your plants receive the right amount of water, freeing up your time to simply enjoy the beauty of your plants.
Are Self-Watering Planters Good for Marijuana's?
Yes, as long as you use the self-watering planters carefully! Make sure you test your system first. Leaving it on for a prolonged time may result in overwatering (and even root rot!).
Should We Feed Cannabis Every Time We Water?
Consider factors such as growth stage and soil type before deciding when to feed your plant. Most cannabis plants don't need fertilizer every watering. In fact, it can even harm them!
How Often Do You Water Cannabis with Nutrients?
Typically, every other watering should be accompanied by liquid nutrients. That means 1-2 times a week is a healthy dosage.