It is a tender and unusual plant that has become one of the most popular orchids due to its shape and variety of colors. Furthermore, they are easy to grow, so if you've just started getting into growing houseplants, Corsage orchid is a nice choice.
Corsage Orchid Care
Cattleya orchid
Other names: Cattleya Labiata, Cattleya Bicolor

Corsage Orchid, also known as Cattleya labiata and Queen of Orchids is an epiphytic plant native to Central and Southern America that produces purple flowers with yellow centers. Its size greatly varies depending on the plant: it can be from 3 to 24 inches (7-60cm) tall and wide.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water thoroughly whenever potting material is dry to the touch, preferably in the morning to allow roots to dry and prevent rotting.
No special pruning is necessary: just cut off the flower spikes.
Use a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season and once a month when not in active growth.
The plant needs direct sunlight before noon and after 4 pm. From May to August, place it on a southern window sill, and from August to May, put it on a southwest or east window.
Epiphytic orchid compost will be the best potting mix for your plant.
Propagate this plant either by stem cutting or division. Both methods are relatively easy.
It needs different temperatures during the day, so it is a great plant for the rooms where the temperature naturally varies. A day temperature should be around 70-85ËšF (21-29ËšC) and a night temperature of 50-60ËšF (12-15ËšC). The highest temperature Corsage Orchid can tolerate 95ËšF (32ËšC), but it is better to avoid it as much as possible.
The ideal container for this plant would be a transparent pot that does not absorb light. Try not to repot it if not necessary because Corsage Orchid can barely tolerate it.
Fun fact
This species is known as the "Corsage orchid" because back in time, women used the flowers as accessories for their evening dresses.
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