A tree or shrub up to 5 m high. Homeland - North America. Grows naturally in rocky or gravelly areas along river banks, on cliffs, rocks, in forests. In Novosibirsk, winter hardiness 1. Prefers fresh soils, medium gas-resistant, drought-resistant, medium-hardy, grows quickly. In the CSBG at the age of 15 it has a height of 3.6 m. Vegetation begins in mid-May and ends in the second half of September. Growth continues for about 60 days, starting from the first half of May. Blooms for about 10 days from the third decade of May. The fruits ripen at the end of July.Recommended for use in landscaping to create hedges, in single and group plantings. Tolerates haircuts well. It is a food and melliferous plant.
Irga Spiky Care
Amelanchier Spicata

Decorative thanks to its dense oval crown with numerous shoots, flowers, fruits and oval or obovate leaves, white-tomentose from below in spring, dark green from above, bronze-red in autumn. Recommended for use in landscThis is an extremely hardy plant, very hardy, withstands frosts at minus 40 degrees and even lower. It is able to grow on any soil, is drought-resistant, tolerates city conditions well, is not affected by pests and diseases. Irga is photophilous for planting, you need to choose a bright dry place.aping to create hedges, in single and group plantings. Tolerates haircuts well. Resistant to diseases and pests.
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