The Ficus Elastica Ruby, also known as a variegated Rubber tree, is native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia. Its unique tri-colored variegation requires bright light conditions to keep the colors strong and defined.
Ficus Ruby Care
Ficus elastica 'Ruby'

There are a number of Ficus elastica varieties grown successfully indoors which includes, "the most common one" F.elastica decora (has shiny leather type leaves which grow to a foot long), F.elastica robusta (has larger leaves than decora), F.elastica black prince or burgundy (has near black reddish leaves) and a selection of variegated types. The rubber plant is all about having a small tree indoors with broad shiny attractive leaves. When this plant is about 1 - 2ft tall it's well suited sitting as a centrepiece on a table, on a shelf, or on a windowsill, but once it begins to grow above 3ft it looks great standing next to a fireplace, television area or near door entrances (as longs as their are no cold drafts).
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How to Care for the Plant
Ficus benjamina should be watered moderately in spring and summer but sparingly in winter. In spring and summer, pour water until you see it coming out a drainage holes at a bottom of a ficus' pot. Then don't water again until a plant's soil is dry a few inches down from a soil surface.
To prune a plant to encourage bushy new growth, snip off the dominant buds on select stems, staggering the cuts to encourage varied growth.
give it a balanced fertilizer
They do not like full sun and many of them will become very damaged or will not survive very long when they receive too much direct sunlight. Instead, expose them to indirect, filtered sunlight.
Most often planting instructions will suggest planting in loam soil. Loam soil should be rich in minerals and nutrients for the plants and loose enough that roots and spread out and grow strong.
Ficus elastica prefers a warm, room-temperature setting between 60 and 80°F. Do not let your Ficus elastica drop below 55°F as it will not do well. While they can survive brief periods of below-freezing temperatures, the must be dormant so make sure your ficus is tucked in during winter months.
Pot should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
This plants large glossy leaves can collect dust. It is important for respiration and photosynthesis that the leaves are wiped clean with a wet sponge or towel every so often.
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