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Alocasia Zebrina Care

Alocasia zebrina

Alocasia Zebrina main
Alocasia Zebrina 0
Alocasia Zebrina 1
What is the plant

Alocasia Zebrina, or the other names for Alocasia, are Taro, Reusentaro, or Olifantsur. Huge leaves in tropical foxes serve as a shelter not only for other, less small plants but also for animals and insects. Leaves in diameter can be about half a meter. This is a very beautiful and highly ornamental plant.

The leaves of this flower are a bit like an arrowhead in their appearance, have an olive tint, with darker veins and an unusual pattern. Their length is 35 centimeters. This exotic tropical wonder is deservedly recognized as one of the most magnificent deciduous ornamental plants. Alocasias are a wonderful decoration of interiors; they look good in bright halls, foyers, winter gardens, and near artificial reservoirs and fountains. But there is one caveat: Alocasia in an apartment is dangerous for children and animals, and they should be cared for with protective gloves because all parts of Alocasia are poisonous. The plant's juice has toxic liquids; it is not desirable to get on open skin and mucous membranes.

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Full Sun



20°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10b - 12b






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    The amount of water depends on various factors, such as humidity and amount of light, so it is wise to start with a small amount of water per irrigation cycle if the soil dries out within two days, water a little more next time.

  • Pruning


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    The lower leaves of these houseplants will become less beautiful over time. Trim those old leaves four inches from the base, so the plant doesn't have to put any more effort into the ugly leaf. This encourages the growth of new leaves. If the Alocasia grows too wide, you can also cut off the outermost leaves.

  • Fertilizer


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    Alocasia grows relatively quickly. Therefore, regular transplantation is necessary. Transplanting provides new nutrients, lightens the soil, and gives more room for root growth. But most importantly, there must be enough soil to absorb moisture.

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  • Sunlight


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    Alocasia prefers a lot of sunlight. In its absence, long stems grow because they reach for the light with all their might. If the trunks become too long, the plant can no longer support the weight of the huge leaves on them, and chances are they will droop or even break. Place the plant about two meters from a south-facing window or directly in front of a west- or east-facing window.

  • Soil


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    A way to make sure that the chances of overwatering are reduced is by using very well-draining soil. Such soil ensures that all excess water drains out.

  • Propagation


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    Root cuttings most easily propagate Alocasia. When the pot is large enough, young plants will appear independently. You can cut it off from the main bush when the plant has four leaves. Reproduction is best in spring. To do this, place the young plant in a bright spot, but not in front of a south-facing window, and keep the soil moist.

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  • Temperature


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    Heat-loving, she does not like temperature changes. In no case do not keep it in a draft. In summer, the ideal temperature is about +20 degrees, and in winter, it is not lower than +18.

  • Container


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    The Alocasia Zebrina is a small-pot plant, which means that it doesn't need to be repotted in large containers too quickly. When you eventually do have to move this plant to a bigger pot, make sure to do this with the correct soil. You want the Alocasia to settle in a slightly bigger pot quickly to keep it happy.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    This plant is the largest among the small varieties of Alocasia.

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  • Popularity


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    11,349 people already have this plant 1,779 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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