A long-time favorite, Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' (Stonecrop) is a mat-forming, evergreen perennial with fleshy, rounded, bright green leaves adorned with burgundy on the edges, deepening to bronze-red in summer before changing to brilliant red in fall.
Stonecrop Dragons Blood Care
Sedum Spurium Schorbuser Blut
Other names: Two-row Stonecrop

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How to Care for the Plant
Autumn Joy does not need much water and has excellent tolerance for drought. Even in the heat of summer, light watering every two weeks or so is sufficient. More frequent watering can cause the roots to rot.
Autumn Joy grows well in poor soils, so feeding is typically not necessary. The plant might like a light spring feeding with a balanced fertilizer if you have very poor soil. But excessive fertilizing can cause leggy growth.
Autumn Joy prefers to grow in full sunlight, meaning at least six hours of direct light on most days. Shady conditions can make the plant leggy and reduce flower production. But in very hot summer climates, your plants might appreciate some shade in the mid-afternoon.
This plant thrives in sandy or gravelly soil with sharp drainage. But it will tolerate loamy soil provided it is well-drained and not allowed to remain constantly damp.
This plant tolerates a wide range of temperatures. It can thrive in extreme heat, and it often continues to look attractive in the fall until it has been exposed to a few frosts. Then, it dies back and goes dormant for winter. Humidity is typically not an issue for the plant as long as the soil doesn’t retain excessive moisture in areas with high humidity.
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