Ruellia simplex, commonly called Mexican petunia or Texas petunia, is a vigorous, shrubby, woody-based, rhizomatous perennial that is grown as an annual. It typically grows to 3-4’ tall in the wild, but to 2-3’ tall in gardens. Plants branch from the ground into several woody-based stems clothed with elongated, linear, willow-like, dark green leaves (to 6-12” long and ¾” wide) that are often tinged with purple.
Katie Ruella Care
Ruellia Simplex 'white Katie'

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How to Care for the Plant
Katie Ruellia is a low water use plant, and are drought tolerant with little to moderate watering needs once established. This Ruellia variety thrives in full sun or partial shade exposures and is durable and easy to care for plants.
Its pruning needs are minimal when allowed enough room to grow to its mature size of 4 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide. Once the danger of freezing temperatures has passed, prune back to ½ their size and then allow it to grow back — no other pruning is required. Every three to four years, prune back severely to 1 foot tall and wide in early spring to rejuvenate and get rid of old, woody growth. No supplemental fertilizer is required.
They have a moderate growth rate, and with regular feeding of fertilizer, they will have the best development.
Winter hardy to USDA Zone 8 (marginally hardy in Zone 7 with protection and mulch) where it is best grown in medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade. Best flowering is in full sun. This plant thrives in moist, fertile, humusy but well-drained soils.
This durable perennial makes a great border, groundcover, or makes a great addition to containers.
Katie Ruellia has poisonous flowers and seeds so I wouldn't recommend allowing your cat to snack on the plant. Keep your pets away, or plant the Ruellia in an area inaccessible to pets.
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