Cordyline fruticosa, commonly called Ti plant, typically grows as a short tree or shrub to 10' tall in its native habitat of tropical Southeast Asia, eastern Australia and some Pacific islands including Hawaii. ... Leaves of this plant have been used in Hawaii to make hula skirts and edible rhizomes for food.
Cordyline Mauritiana Care
Cordyline Mauritiana

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How to Care for the Plant
When in full-sun the plant requires more frequent watering. Make sure the growing pot has a drainage hole for the excess water to drain off. Do not allow Cordylines to sit in a saucer of water.
Indoors lightly fertilize with a liquid 20-20-20 fertilizer 1/2 strength. Outdoors, apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer in the spring.
Outdoors bright light to full sun exposure and protected from wind.
When shoots have about 4 to 6 leaves place in potting soil.
Cordyline is a tropical plant in the dracaena family, and its ideal hardiness zone is where the average temperature is generally above 55°F.
Cordyline is not toxic to humans, but is highly toxic if ingested by animals because it contains toxins called saponins.
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