Philodendron is a plant that is ideal for growing both in gardens and in apartments, offices, and greenhouses, as it is one of the most undemanding types. Philodendron Brasil tolerates low light well, grows fast, and has incredibly beautiful heart-shaped leathery leaves of dark green color.
Philodendron Brasil Care
Philodendron hederaceum
Other names: Variegated Heart Leaf Philodendron

Philodendron Brasil is an indoor vine growing naturally on the territories of Central America and the Caribbean. Philodendron ‘Brasil’ is not a separate species but only a natural mutation of the Philodendron hederaceum, on which many interesting decorative cultivars are based. Its shoots reach 79 in (2 m) in length, and the aerial roots develop in the axil of each leaf and grow on any wet surface.
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How to Care for the Plant
Philodendrons Brasil is a moisture-loving plant. Water it abundantly from spring to autumn and more sparingly in winter when the soil dries out. It is advisable to spray the vine regularly.
No pruning is necessary, but you still might still want to do some trimming to the faded and withered vines.
During intensive growth from March to September, be sure to regularly fertilize the beautiful philodendron to provide it with nutrients in other months - rarely, just once a month. Use an ornamental leafy fertilizer or a complex mineral fertilizer, preferably one that contains nitrogen for growth.
The plant is easy to care for because of tolerating as moderate as low lighting modes. Indoors, the most acceptable place to place a plant pot is a well-lit place with shading from hot rays.
The suitable substrate is light and always well-drained.
Go ahead and propagate P. hederaceum in May-June using apical cuttings 4-6 in (10-15 cm) long, which you can easily root in water or in the ground.
The temperature for growing a philodendron should range from 59 to 86°F (15 to 30°С). In the cold season, do not allow the plant to stay at temperatures below 54°F (12°С).
Choose a spherical pot made of ceramic or cement. A Philodendron pot must contain a drainage layer and holes to remove excess water thoroughly.
Fun fact
One can identify the fast-growing P. hederaceum by characteristical stripes of yellow and various shades of green on the leaves. Still, it loses its variegation as it ages and becomes completely green.
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