An attractive plant with bright green leaves with white stripping, Calathea Vittata is an easy plant to identify and a popular house choice.
Calathea vittata Care
Calathea elliptica 'Vittata'

Hailing from South America, where humidity is high, this plant thrives best in homes with higher temperatures and moist air. This can be a difficult plant to grow as it demands moist soil and humidity to flourish. They grow anywhere from 10 - 15 inches tall (0.25 - 0.38 m) with the proper amount of sunlight.
One of the few plants that are able to “move”, this Calathea will raise and lower its leaves to reach optimal sunlight. Placing this plant in a sunny room will allow it to “dance” and ensure that you’ll have a healthy plant. The Calathea is also quite picky about its roots and does not like them handled. This can make replotting a bit difficult, but your plant will thrive with some new soil and as little root disturbance as possible!
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How to Care for the Plant
The Calathea Vittata requires moist soil. When the top two inches of soil are dry, add more water. You can also mist this plant to keep the leaves moist and help create a humid climate.
Pruning is only necessary when leaves and stems turn brown.
This plant does not require fertilizer.
Bright, indirect lighting for 6-8 hours is required. The Calathea will require shade after 4 hours when in a bright room.
Standard potting soil is recommended.
Cuttings are the best option for propagating this plant.
This plant is picky and will require 65 – 75°F (16 – 24°C) for temperatures and a 60-70% humidity level.
You’ll need a clay or terracotta container that drains well with a tray beneath to catch excess water.
Fun fact
Known as a “prayer plant”, this plant moves its leaves up and down in a rhythm that usually corresponds with sunlight.
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