Red mangrove is a shrub or a small to medium-sized, round-topped, bushy tree growing 5 - 20 metres tall with occasional specimens to 30 metres. The straight bole can be free of branches for 9 - 12 metres and 20 - 70cm, occasionally to 90cm in diameter. The tree has branched, curved, and arching stilt roots 2 - 4.5 metres tall when growing in salt water.A multipurpose tree, it is used as a food in times of emergency, has medicinal properties and supplies a range of commodities. The bark, or the tannins extracted from it, are exported in quantity to America and Europe[
Red Mangrove Care
Rhizophora Mangle

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How to Care for the Plant
Pour water over the gravel in the mangrove's pot until its level nearly reaches the rim of the container. Top up that water frequently, never allowing the plant's roots to dry out completely. If your mangrove is planted in potting soil or sand rather than gravel, make sure its medium remains wet at all times.
Cut back the top of the plant until only two leaves remain, if you want it to branch out. Refrain from any pruning, if you prefer it to remain tall and narrow.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of water-soluble 24-8-16 plant food and 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts to a 1-gallon jug of water. Use water from that jug to top up the mangrove's container once every two weeks.
Keep the pot in a warm position where the plant will receive bright indirect light, partial sun or full sun. Bear in mind that the water will evaporate more rapidly when it is in full sun.
If your mangrove is planted in potting soil or sand rather than gravel, make sure its medium remains wet at all times.
It grows best in areas where the mean annual rainfall is within the range 20 - 30°c, but can tolerate 10 - 38°c
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