Dracaena Kiwi has striped green and ivory colors and definitely catches your attention. Put this elegant plant in your home from the office and complete the interior in a flash.
Dracaena Kiwi Cutback Care
Dracaena marginata 'Kiwi'

Dracaena Kiwi got its name because of its beautiful striped green leaves. We can identify it as a tropical plant of the Agavoideae family. Dracaena marginata is native to the rainforests of Brazil.
This elegant little tree is easy to care for and grow as Kiwi is a little more forgiving than some of the other dracaena plants. This fact makes it an excellent choice for aspiring plantoholics.
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How to Care for the Plant
Dracaena Kiwi needs regular watering once or twice a week during the growing season. It also enjoys light misting two or three times per week when the air is dry.
Dracaena marginata does not require specific pruning for growth, but you can prune it to maintain the desired shape and remove dead leaves.
Use a well-balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season to make your Dracaena Kiwi thrive.
Dracaena Kiwi is identified as a sun-lover, but avoid placing it under the full direct sun as the tree can get sunburnt. Eastern or Western windowsill is a perfect location.
Prepare light, loose, and well-draining soil using compost, perlite, and sand. You can also use a ready-made mix for Dracaena plants.
The best way to propagate this plant is using top cutting. Cut off the top with sterile scissors and place it in moist soil to allow it to grow roots. Do not worry about the parent plant because it will quickly produce new leaves.
Keep your plant at 60-70˚F (15-21°C), and don’t allow the temperature to drop below 50˚F (10°C).
You don’t need to repot Dracaena Kiwi often, but once in 2-3 years. Choose a container of any material that is a little bigger than a root system. Ensure there are drainage holes.
Fun fact
The plant is excellent at cleansing the air of impurities and harmful chemicals.
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