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Parsley Care

Petroselinum crispum

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What is the plant

Parsley is a biennial plant of the genus Petroselinum of the Apiaceae family. This herb is native to the countries of the Mediterranean. Parsley is widely cultivated in Europe, Asia, America, and Australia. It's a popular cooking ingredient in both dry and fresh form.

In the first year of life, parsley forms a rosette of leaves and a white spindle-like root. In the second year, a long, ribbed, branched stem appears. The height of the stem is 12-40 inches (30-100 cm). The leaves of the plant are dark green, toothed, and triangular. The fruits are egg-shaped. 

Petroselinum crispum blooms from June to July. This herb produces inflorescences of small yellow-green or white blossoms.

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Full Sun



20°C - 27°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

2 - 11






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Petroselinum crispum requires moderate irrigation (2-3 times weekly). Make sure the soil around the plant does not dry out! However, remember that excess moisture can also harm the plant. It's best to irrigate parsley little by little every day with room-temperature water. Do not forget to loosen the soil after watering.

  • Pruning


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    You can harvest Parsley leaves as they grow. The best time to do it is in autumn. You may cut off the upper part; it is possible to grind and freeze or squeeze oil out of it. However, keep in mind that dry leaves lose their aroma.

  • Fertilizer


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    When preparing the soil for the fall, you need to fertilize the bed for growing parsley with humus. Before planting seeds, we recommend applying nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.  If you plan to use the root for food or medicinal purposes, then in autumn, you need to feed your Petroselinum again with a solution containing phosphorus and potassium.

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  • Sunlight


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    Parsley loves bright light. Therefore, you can safely place your plant in areas open to the sun, for example, next to a south-facing window!

  • Soil


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    Parsley needs light, fertile soil. It is better to use loamy, biohumus, or coconut fiber soils. Please note that the soil's acidity should be around 6.5-7.0 pH.

  • Propagation


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    Parsley can be germinated from seeds. You can plant seedlings in open ground in early May. You can also propagate your green pet at home. Remember, a small greenhouse may be needed for your greenie to thrive if the room temperature is low. You can also put it on your sunniest windowsill!

    An alternative way is a propagation by cuttings. It's pretty simple! First, use clean, sharp scissors to cut the long outer stems. Then, remove the leaves from the bottom halves. Next, put the cuttings in a glass vessel. Finally, wait for two hours. Voilà! Your green pet is ready for repotting!

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  • Temperature


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    A temperature of 40-43°F (4-6°C) is sufficient for Parsley seeds to germinate. Lucky for you, these herbs are not afraid of frosts up to 16 Fahrenheit (-9 Celsius) when they reach maturity!

  • Container


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    Fortunately, growing Petroselinum indoors is easy! You need a smaller pot if you choose to grow this green beauty as an annual. If you grow parsley as a biennial herb, it's best to use a vessel at least 10 inches (25 cm) deep. Would you like to grow your parsley outside? Then make sure to prepare a place for your green pet in advance! In autumn, clean the location of plant residues of other crops and dig it up, adding humus. If necessary, you can also treat the soil with a solution to prevent pests and diseases in spring.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    Parsley is very rich in vitamin C.

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  • Popularity


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    15,803 people already have this plant 2,219 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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