Erect or ascending annual 20-45 cm, usually with a fineinterlaced covering of hairs resembling a spider's web (arachnoid indumentum),sometimes with some bristles or stiff hairs (setae)
Leaves:- Deeply divided into lobes (1- to 3-pinnatipartite). Lower leaves with stalks(petiolate), upper without (sessile).
Flowers:- Solitary or few. Pedicels 2-5 cm. Pedicels and flower-buds usually withfew arachnoid hairs. Buds nodding. Petals 12-22 mm, narrowly obovate, violet,darker at the base but without a distinct basal spot. Anthers violet or yellow.
Fruit:- Capsule 4·5-9·5 x 0·2-0·4 cm, rarely shorter, linear, usually with setae onlyin upper 1/2 but sometimes throughout.
This plant is useful.