Z. albomaculata - Z. albomaculata is a tender yet vigorous, clump-forming, rhizomatous, semi-evergreen perennial with large, semi-erect, arrow-shaped, white-spotted, mid-green leaves and large, funnel-shaped, white, pale yellow, or pale pink flowers in summer.
Spotted Calla Care
Zantedeschia Albomaculata

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How to Care for the Plant
Regular watering is important to maintain the handsome lush growth of calla lilies. Ideally, keep compost moist but take care not to over-water either.
Use sharp pruning shears to remove the sucker branches and the errant branches that are growing in the wrong direction or making it difficult to fertilize the tree. Since lemon cypress has a conical habit, trim the tree as per its natural shape. Trimming should be done every week during the summer.
Mix the recommended amount of liquid fertilizer and water in a watering can. Then simply pour the mix into the soil as if you're watering the plant.
Light is an essential factor in maintaining plants. The rate of growth and length of time a plant remains active is dependent on the amount of light it receives. Light energy is used in photosynthesis, the plant's most basic metabolic process.
Rich, well-draining soil.
These flowers can be rather picky about their temperatures. For ideal growing conditions expose the bulbs to days no hotter than 65°F and no colder than 55°F. The above ground plant can tolerate temperatures as high as 75°F. If your home is hot, use mulch to keep the bulb cooler in its pot.
Container should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
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