Have you seen the plant with heart-shaped leaves of bright green and creamy colors? Now you do because we want to introduce you to a literal Pothos Queen with an eye-catching look!
Pothos Marble Queen Care
Epipremnum aureum
Other names: Epipremnum Pinnatum 'marble Queen', Scindapsus Aureus 'marble Queen'

Marble Queen is native to French Polynesia and is now one of the most popular Pothos cultivars. Marble Queen belongs to the Araceae family, which means that it has tropical foliage and sharp flowers like the rest of them. Interestingly, it is almost impossible to find this native tropical forest plant in the wild! But you can see it in the shop on any continent due to its popularity.
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How to Care for the Plant
Regular watering is the key to success! So water it once a week and less during winter. And remember that in summer, the soil needs to be moist but not soggy.
Keep in mind that this plant is fast-growing, but you can control its length by trimming.
It doesn't need fertilizer at all in winter, but during the warmer periods, you can feed it with liquid fertilizer.
It needs about 4-6 hours of bright indirect sunlight a day.
Loamy and well-draining.
You can cut the long stems in the water, and voila, the result is coming.
The best temperature range for this plant is 65-85F (18-29C). Because of its warmth-loving nature, you can place a Marble Queen in the kitchen or bathroom.
Like every queen, the Marble Queen needs a lot of space! Of course, by space, we mean room for roots since it's inclined to pot-bound roots.
Fun fact
Many people are deceived by Pothos'Pothos whimsical variegation and think that these plants are artificial, but no! Every Pothos rashly creates its variegation because it just feels like it.
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