Garrya is an easy to grow, evergreen shrub which produces in winter from December onwards through January & February, long attractive catkins, or tassels which gives rise to its common name 'Silk Tassel Bush'. Not all varieties of Garry are frost hardy, G. elliptica which originates from California and is classified as ** hardy which is around -10 degrees, but I have seen many Garryas growing successfully in some fairly cold areas if planted in a sheltered area. It will survive in colder areas if position carefully, Garrya will prefer to grow in a sheltered spot away from cold winds. Both male and female plants have catkins although the male plants have the best catkins. On G. elliptica the tassels are up to 15 cms long, 'Evie' is male with long catkins up to 30cms and the most commonly sold and seen in the UK is 'James Roof' with dark green leaves and a profusion of catkins up to 35cms long ( if growing conditions are ideal,) making it an attractive for winter interest. There is a variety G. x issaquahensis 'Pat Ballard' which has slightly mauve tinged catkins and G. x issaquahensis 'Glasnevin Wine' with reddish catkins, although these are less commonly grown.
Silk Tassel Care
Garrya Elliptica

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How to Care for the Plant
Silk tassel care includes watering newly planted shrubs deeply once every week or two. A monthly watering is enough for established plants.
Although silk tassel shrubs rarely need pruning, early spring is the best time. Give the plant a light trim after flowering when the silk tassel flowers begin to look ragged, but before new growth emerges in spring.
Sun or partial shade. Best planted in a sheltered position, such as against a wall.
Any ordinary well drained soil (chalk, clay, sand or loam). Acid, alkaline or neutral pH.
Generally hardy in the UK (down to -10°C). It may suffer in severe winters, so provide the protection of a wall in very cold or exposed areas.
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