Buckwheat is an erect, much-branched annual plant with hollow stems; it can grow from 60 - 120cm tall.The seed of buckwheat is an important subsistence food in parts of Asia, where the plant has a history of cultivation going back at least 1,000 years. The seed has gained acceptance as a healh food, whilst the plant also has edible leaves, some important traditional medicinal actions and supplies a dye. It is often grown on a garden scale, and also commercially on a small scale, for its edible leaves and seeds, whilst it is also commonly grown as a green manure crop and to restore worn-out soils
Silverhull Buckwheat Care
Fagopyrum Esculentum

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.
It cannot grow in the shade.
A very easily grown plant, it prefers dry sandy soils but succeeds in most conditions including poor, heavy or acid soils and even sub-soils
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It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 17 - 27°c, but can tolerate 7 - 40°c
This plant has caused photosensitivity in some people, only the dehusked grain is considered to be safe.
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