Tripolium pannonicum is a somewhat succulent, annual to short-lived perennial plant producing one or more stout, erect to spreading stems 15 - 100cm tall from a short, swollen, suberect rhizome.The plant is sometimres harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine.
Sea Aster Care
Tripolium Pannonicum

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly in the first weeks. Try to avoid watering on sunny afternoons to minimize the amount of moisture lost to evaporation. If your plant is in a pot, check the top soil in the pot either by looking at it or touching it with your finger. In any case, if it hasn’t rained in a month, water !
Prefers a sunny position
Succeeds in most good garden soils, preferring one that is well-drained and moisture retentive
If you are planting in a pot, use one whose volume corresponds to that of the plant, otherwise you will have to water it too often. You can use gravel at the bottom under mixture of soil, compost or compost for better drainage.
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