Filago arvensis is a species of plants belonging to the family Asteraceae.
Filzkraut Care
Filago arvensis

Filzkraut grows as an annual herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 10 to 35 centimeters. The upright stem is branched from the middle to racemose and white-tomentose hairs. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate with a length of 10 to 20 millimeters and a width of 1 to 4 millimeters.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: Uprooting plants by pulling is another effective method to prevent the spread of herbaceous and floating weeds. This is also effective in some shrubs, annuals, and tap-rooted plants. If you're quite hesitant to do it by hand, weed wrenches can be powerful tools to use. This is especially handy (excuse the pun) when you're trying to get a hold of large saplings and shrubs that are too big to be pulled manually. However, weed wrenches are not as effective against many perennial weeds whose stems are buried deep underground and whose roots re-sprout when left behind.
Some of the advantages of pulling include the minimal damage caused to surrounding plants, small ecological impact, and the low cost. However, it can be tedious and labour intensive, and its effect may only be seen in relatively small areas.
There are two kinds of weed pulling methods, namely hand pulling and pulling using tools. Hand pulling is often used to manage weeds in small areas because it's easier to plan and implement.
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