Unlike other Orchids, this petit beauty doesn’t get its value from its flowers but from its exceptional marbled foliage.
Anoectochilus Imitans Care
Anoectochilus Imitans Schltr.

This small terrestrial Orchid is native to Fiji, New Caledonia, and Samoa. It has creeping horizontal stems and remains miniature to small size, growing on average 6-12 inches (15-30 cm).
Most species of the Anoectochilus genus are very similar, with only slight variations in color and vein patterns. What allows for this plant’s identification is the broad dark deep-green leaves arranged in a rosette and irregular whitish cream veining that grows from the central vein and bottom of the leaves. It produces small, modest white velvety flowers in winter and spring.
It can be hard to maintain and care for and is considered hard to find.
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How to Care for the Plant
This Orchid needs the soil to always be evenly moist. To do so, allow the soil to become slightly dry and saturate thoroughly to ensure even moisture, but make sure it doesn’t get soggy. Remove any excess water, and never let the soil fully dry. It loves humidity, which should be kept above 50%, and pebble trays are a great way to ensure this.
Remove old flower spikes and damaged leaves.
New Caledonian Orchid requires low levels of fertilization. Feed it monthly with 1-quarter of a teaspoon per gallon of water.
This plant thrives in partial shade, even if it can survive in full shade, although this will affect its vivacity. It should receive moderate to low amounts of indirect light.
It requires porous aerated soil that is still able to slight water retention. A sphagnum base is usually the best pick.
It propagates through stem cuttings both in water and appropriate medium. Choose one section that has at least one root node.
Warm temperatures are ideal, anywhere between 65-80 ºF (18-27 ºC). Don’t let temperatures drop below 60 ºF (15 ºC), and allow for regular airflow for this plant to thrive.
This plant is prone to root rot, so containers should have drainage holes. It can also be grown in a terrarium.
Fun fact
The entire Anoectochilus genus is commonly designated as jewel Orchids due to their unique foliage, which is what gives them ornamental value, unlike the majority of other genera of Orchids, which are grown and sold for their exuberant flowers.
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