The winter holidays wouldn’t be the same without mistletoe to inspire kissing and add to the seasonal décor. The plant itself is an evergreen with numerous translucent white berries. It grows on host plants and has a definite preference for certain species. Can you grow your own mistletoe plant? You certainly can grow a mistletoe plant indoors on a small tree or outside on an established nurse plant. Viscum album is the only species native to Great Britain and much of Europe. A separate species, Viscum cruciatum, is native to Southwest Spain, Southern Portugal and Morocco
Mistletoe Care
Viscum Album

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How to Care for the Plant
Water frequently in spring and summer, but suspend water in winter.
If any of the stems are damaged, you can trim them off with a sharp, sterile knife.
Your plant will get its nutrients from the host tree and by photosynthesis
The mistletoe plant should be situated quite high in the tree so that it gets enough light
Ensure that your mistletoe cactus is planted in well-drained soil. Potted plants benefit from a saucer filled with rocks and water to increase the ambient humidity in the home interior.
The plant can easily cope with temperatures as low as -40
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