The Tradescantia Nanouk is an absolutely gorgeous plant known for its bright green, purple/pink, fuzzy-ish leaves. While different types of Tradescantia are native to parts of North, Central, and South America, the Nanouk is actually a cultivar developed in the Netherlands. The Nanouk is a patented plant, a product of a breeding program intended to “create new compact Tradescantia plants with attractive flower coloration and good performance.”The Nanouk has amazing bright green and purple/pink, slightly fuzzy leaves. Little pinkish-white flowers can also appear. They can be grown both indoors and outdoors, but today I’ll be talking about them as a houseplant.
Nanouk Care
Tradescantia 'Nanouk'

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering your tradescantia "nanouk" the right way is the biggest difference between having a happy, thriving plant and, well, a sad, yellowing one with rotting leaves. Because of its dense growth and closely furled leaves, it is not a good idea to water your nanouk from above.
Pinch off dead leaves and stems.
Use a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 formula.
Needs 12-18 hours of indirect sunlight.
A loam soil contains a nice balance of silt, sand, and clay along with humus.
The ideal temperature for the Nanouk Tradescantia cultivar is between 55° and 75° degrees Fahrenheit. Outdoors, this Tradescantia is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12.
Container should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
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