Streptocarpella saxorum is a relatively fast growing as it takes one year for a young seedling to grow to flowering size. This plant occurs in Kenya and Tanzania. It is found on rocks and cliff faces which are often exposed to the sun.
Streptocarpella saxorum is a small herbaceous plant that forms mounds of about 5-8 cm high. This semi-shrubby stemmed species falls under the subgenus Streptocarpella and the foliage is quite different to the more common Streptocarpus. Its slender, hairy stems spread along the ground crowded with small, matt-green, softly hairy, fleshy, elliptic to ovate leaves that occur in whorls of three. Its branches become slightly woody with age. The young growth is quite flexible and will naturally trail from a suspended container/pot. The name Streptocarpella means Streptocarpus like. Streptocarpus means "twisted fruit", a referring to the slender, twisted seed capsule that the plants produce. Streptocarpella produces a twisted seed pod.