Mandevilla laxa, commonly known as Chilean jasmine, is an ornamental plant in the genus Mandevilla of family Apocynaceae. It grows as a vine and is deciduous in cool climates. It can grow to 6 meters tall.
Chilean-jasmine Care
Mandevilla laxa

Strongly fragrant and vigorous, Mandevilla laxa (Chilean Jasmine) is a semi-evergreen, woody, twining climber with sprays of 3-15 large, creamy-white, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 3 in. across (8 cm), with broad petal lobes. The blossoms release a sweet vanilla fragrance that is most pronounced in the evening. Masses of heavily scented white flowers are produced in the summer. As it is not fully hardy and does not survive being frozen, in temperate zones it must be grown with the protection of glass, in an unheated greenhouse or conservatory with full sunlight.
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How to Care for the Plant
Chilean Jasmine requires plenty of water. Rainwater is preferred since it contains less lime. The soil must remain fairly moist but not wet. On hot summer days, it needs to be watered daily. During the summer, frequently add Phostrogen plant food when watering your Mandevilla.
Once blooming ends, and the winter has set in, it’s time to do your main pruning. Trim off all dead or dying vines, and remove any spent flowers. If you're growing your jasmine as a garden vine, the winter pruning is your most in-depth pruning of the year. The rest of the year, you can tip-prune if desired to coax more fragrant white flowers during their growing season.
Feed a plant with a liquid fertilizer designed for flowering plants
Plants need at least 6-8 hours of filtered sun daily.
A blend of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite offers the best mixture.
The preferred temperature range for this plant is 65°-80°F.
Container should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
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