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36a48497-512a-4cbe-81de-31324077fcd3.jpg Oxalis is a well-known favorite of many. Today we will talk about how to grow this flower, what are the nuances of care - actually, all the brief information about the flower you may need, and the intricacies of oxalis life.


This plant belongs to the Kislichny family, and the genus itself is represented by both annual and perennial herbaceous plants. Natural habitats are South Africa, Central and South America, and some regions of Europe. The plant became famous thanks to Ireland, because it is oxalis that is their national symbol. Also, you may come across the name "oxalis". This is due to the fact that the leaves of this flower have a sour taste. In nature, there are about 800 species of oxalis, after a while this flower began to be cultivated, and it was from that time that it fell into the hands of flower growers. Why do they love acid so much? Everything is very simple: the plant is very unpretentious in care, but at the same time it belongs to the class of highly decorative.


In spring and summer, watering should be abundant enough, but make sure that no water stagnates in the root system of the plant, otherwise this will lead to rotting of the roots. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter they are rare and rather scarce, but in no case should a clod of earth be allowed to dry. Under normal conditions, the plant does not need to be sprayed, but keep in mind that if the room has a high temperature and low humidity, then this procedure will not hurt. To do this, use water at room temperature and be sure to boil it in advance. In winter, don't spray the plant.


df7e69da-d284-4754-9bb8-b87ee643d5c7.jpg The average temperature in the warm season is 20-25 degrees Celsius (68-77 degrees Fahrenheit). But in the cold season, it is better to remove the plant in a cooler place, up to 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). If this is not done, then flowering will not come. Avoid sudden temperature changes, maintain stability.


The best lighting is that close to the natural habitat. For oxalis, you need a lot of bright sunlight, but always diffused. It is not necessary for the flower to be exposed to direct sunlight, this can cause undue harm to it.

Other recommendations

Below you will find detailed information about other aspects of growing a flower and tips related to them. If you adhere to the following, then the plant will bloom and delight you for a very long time.

1.Dormant period Some oxalis species have a dormant period that occurs in winter for 4-6 weeks. You need to carefully monitor when the plant stops blooming and its foliage begins to fall off en masse. At this time, you need to reduce watering and remove the flower in a cool place so that it can rest. When you notice that young shoots have appeared, transplant oxalis into a new pot of soil, return it to its original place and increase watering.

  1. Top dressing It is imperative to feed your houseplant during the growing season and flowering, using mineral complex dressings. It is best to do it once every 15-20 days, this will be enough. A nutrient solution will also be a good addition, but its concentration should be half of what is written on the package.

3.Transplant Do you have a young plant, then a transplant is needed once a year, but if the plant is older, then the procedure is performed no more often than once every two to three years. From the experience of flower growers, it is better to take a wide new pot, since several tubers will fit in it and you can get a gorgeous lush bush at home. Be sure to use drainage at the bottom of the pot, expanded clay works best. Oxalis is undemanding to the soil mixture, therefore, a universal one is suitable. But make sure that there is no excess of nutrients in the soil, otherwise it can lead to rapid growth, which is very harmful for this plant and will harm it.


  • Aphids. If aphids appear on Oxalis, then the plant is treated with a soap solution in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of water to 2 teaspoons of liquid soap.
  • Spider mite. If this disease is detected, it is necessary to treat the plant with Aktellik - this is an organophosphate insecticide that helps in pest control.
  • Shield. First, remove the insects with your hands, and then treat with Aktara - this is an effective systemic insecticide that protects the plant for 24 days. Do not forget about precautions: treat the plant only in the fresh air, protecting the soil from the drug and be sure to wear gloves. It should be remembered. that oxalis is quite resistant to disease and all of the above can appear due to improper or insufficient care.
  1. Cropping After a dormant period, a pruning procedure should be carried out. It consists in removing all dried peduncles and leaves, and it is also worth shortening the bare shoots by a few centimeters. This will stimulate the growth and splendor of the flower crown.

6.External defects

  • Brown spots on the leaves. Most likely these are burns due to direct sunlight. It is better to cut the leaves. After spraying, do not expose the plant to the sun, as the rays can hit the water droplets and burn the leaves.
  • Changing the color of the leaves to a dull shade. The reason is not enough light, move to a brighter place, but not in the sun.
  • The leaves began to dry up. Often this happens from a low percentage of air humidity. Spray the plant more often and place a container of water next to the pot, which will evaporate around the flower.

Plant ID


Disease ID
