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May 16 · 6 min read

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms – Safe & Poisonous Varieties

"Help! Can dogs eat mushrooms?" We often receive these messages from our plant parents, who also happen to be dog owners, frantically seeking advice as to what to do after their four-legged companion has eaten mushrooms. As dedicated botanists of PlantIn who are always ready to help you, we have teamed up with vets to write this article. If you are one of those concerned puppy parents, take it easy – there is no need to stress out, as we answer all your most frequent questions like "Can dogs eat portobello mushrooms?" and many more.

Dog Smelling Mushrooms

Can Dogs Eat the Following Mushrooms?

Can dogs eat cooked mushrooms? Whether it has been subjected to processing like cooking in heat or not, mushrooms can be safely given as a veggie treat! As you may know, they are rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamin D, and dietary fibers, which are essential nutritional aspects for our canine friends. However, compared to other standard pet meals, mushrooms are comparably inferior as most of these nutrients are not efficiently absorbed. With that being said, it is wise to know the safe amount, of course, backed by your trusted vet’s recommendations. 

Portobello Mushrooms

One of the most mass-produced mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms or Agaricus bisporus, can be fed to your furry pets at a safe dosage. And as the name sounds, it is an Italian word that broadly translates to meadow mushrooms. They are branded as a generally safe fungi, according to many vets. But, ensure not to go overboard! If your puppies are relatively small, have a lower tolerance limit, or have some allergies, then mushrooms can hurt them. You might be thinking: "Allergies? In dogs?" Yes, they can be allergic, and it is better to have them tested for allergens.

White Mushrooms

Thousands of species of mushrooms present a white hue. However, when it comes to food-grade ones, white mushrooms are usually referred to as the ones available in supermarkets. They are similar to Portobello mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus, but they may vary according to the distributor. This means that the cultivar of mushrooms they are growing might be a different strain. Can dogs eat raw mushrooms of this specific variety? While you can relax when these are given to your dogs in a small amount, it is best to assume that feeding white mushrooms still poses a tiny risk, so keep moderation in mind.

Baby Bella Mushrooms

Baby Bella mushrooms also take the nickname for Agaricus bisporus, which means that they may share the same genetics and, therefore, have a similar nutritional profile. They are considered the tiny sisters of portobello or portabella mushrooms – that's why they are called babies due to their miniature attributes. And to answer your question, "Can dogs eat mushrooms raw?" When it comes to Baby Bella, the truth is, you can. If you decide to give this as a snack to your beloved pets, tone it down and only administer small quantities. It is still best to consult your local veterinarian.

Crimini Mushrooms

Are mushrooms bad for dogs? If you have just given crimini mushrooms, you can exhale in relief! Crimini mushrooms are, you guessed it right, Agaricus bisporus, a commonly cultivated species of macro-fungi. They might have beige or brown caps, earning their name crimini, perhaps a creative and playful Latin reference to the “dark” or “hideous” characteristics of a criminal. Like the previous grocery-bought mushrooms, it is still important to consult your dog’s vet when in doubt.

Button Mushrooms

If you ask, "Can dogs eat mushrooms cooked?", they absolutely can chow down a few bits of it, especially when they are button mushrooms. This type of fungi, as the name implies, resembles buttons, as they are often sold before their caps open and reveal the brown gills. Most strains are white, while others can have brownish or off-white tones. They are often canned or freshly sold fungi that are also Agaricus bisporus and might belong to a different strain, depending on the farm that cultivated them.

Small Dog Near Mushrooms

Are Mushrooms Bad for Dogs?

Generally, whether raw or cooked, edible mushrooms do not really present a significant hazard – of course, unless they are poisonous or of unknown species. So, if you wonder, "Can dogs eat store-bought mushrooms?", one can say that they are palate-approved for your cute puppies. These canned goodies are considered safe as they are and have always been safe for human consumption. Just be sure not to give your canine friends a huge feast of these fungi!

Are There Any Mushrooms Poisonous to Dogs?

Many species of mushrooms with known toxicity to humans, such as Death Ccap (Amanita phalloides), Deadly Webcap (Cortinarius rubellus), or Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa) can also have similar adverse effects on dogs. While there are only a few studies regarding its toxicity levels and effects, we can infer that these poisonous mushrooms carry potential dangers that are lethal to your dog. For instance, if you have ever been foraging and stumbled upon an unknown stubby mushroom, it is a good idea to have a detour to prevent your dogs from eating wild mushrooms.

Symptoms of Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs

"Can dogs have mushrooms?" is the first thing that pops into your head when you see your pet gobble the cluster of yard fungi from your lawn. But by that time, it can be late, so here's the answer to remember: they cannot if the mushrooms are toxic! In the case of doubt, this list of symptoms is only to guide you upon suspected ingestion, and it is still advisable to immediately contact your professional pet doctor:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort;
  • Neurological symptoms such as disorientation, seizures, physical weakness, ataxia (loss of coordination), lethargy, and tremors;
  • Liver or kidney damage: Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and gums), tinted urine, or changes in urination patterns;
  • Rapid heart rate and difficulty in breathing;
  • Collapse or coma in severe cases.

Dog Smelling a Truffle

Can Dogs Eat Cooked or Raw Mushrooms?

Cooked and raw mushrooms are both tummy-friendly to our little pooch. Both can offer the same level of nutrients, although cooked fungi may be easily digestible to dogs. Anyhow, to answer the question "Are mushrooms good for dogs?", it is affirmative!

Fried Mushrooms

Whether button or oyster, fried mushrooms are a heaven’s treat! Bathed in batter – to form crisp skin contrasting the tender flesh – these golden fried fungi are excellent vegan substitutes for animal-based proteins aside from soybeans and other legumes. While dogs are mainly carnivorous, they, too, can enjoy this lip-smacking goodness! Please note that since fried mushrooms are apparently drenched with oil, they may already contain loads of calories to your dog’s diet. With moderation of intake and daily playtime in your backyard, your dog can surely take in fried mushrooms!

Canned Mushrooms

Dogs eat mushrooms, including jarred or canned ones. Many mushrooms, most commonly button, portobello, white, or baby bella fungi, are often canned to lock in their nutrients and prolong their shelf life. Other cultivated species like shiitake, oyster, or enoki are also available yet challenging to find in common stores. But one thing is for sure: when they're ready to be consumed – you literally just need to throw them on your favorite dish like pasta or pizza! So if you are cooking these mushrooms and your dog comes wagging its tail, giving some little treats won't do harm.

Mushrooms from Pizza

Pizza mushrooms and dogs – what will happen if your pet happens to eat them? Relax! This will also entail no severe hazards. These mushrooms also belong to the widely-cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus or button mushrooms that are often used as garnished in their transversally cut version. Although you can heave a sigh of relief with its innate edibility, one should still exercise extreme caution, especially when it comes to puppies because of their small body weights. Moreover, if the mushrooms are already on your favorite delectable pizza, do not feed it to dogs as it may contain spices that may harm them.

Dog Beside a Basket of Mushrooms


Can Dogs Eat Store-Bought Mushrooms?

Dogs eating mushrooms, especially when they are store-bought, are completely stomach-friendly and do not entail huge hazards. But there is a BUT! Never give them a handful, and it is wise to seek professional advice from a veterinarian.

Are Dogs Allergic to Mushrooms?

Yes, some dogs can be allergic to mushrooms. Dogs with relatively small body weight can be at higher risk of severe allergic attacks than bigger breeds. However, tiny cheats are okay as long as you already know that your dog isn’t allergic to them.

Can Dogs Eat Wild Mushrooms?

Are mushrooms safe for dogs? Not if they are wild! While forest or lawn mushrooms can be non-toxic, depending on the species, it's best to deviate from the usual route when having a dog walk to prevent the risk of accidental ingestion. 

Can Puppies Eat Mushrooms?

Yes, puppies can eat mushrooms, but it’s case-specific! Raw, cooked, or canned mushrooms which are fit for human consumption are good treats for your puppies. But, as mentioned numerous times, one should consider doing an allergen test administered by your pet doctor.

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