Table of Contents
We try to tell you as much as possible about how to take care of your plants. But this time, we created a selection of harmful plant care tips. Use them in different ways: you may find it easier to remember how to take care of your plants from another perspective. Or maybe you need to harm your old enemy with these instructions mysterious laughter... Just kidding. What enemies can we talk about when it comes to plants? P. S. In parentheses, we wrote helpful pieces of advice (just in case).
First, buy the plant you like, and then research what it is
Why not? I see it; I like it, I want it, I got it! The plant blooms with lush flowers while in-store, so it will feel just as alright at home as well. It will definitely produce ten new leaves every day and will be equally beautiful when you take care of it and when you go on vacation for two weeks and leave it alone.
(Lol, no. If you don’t want to feel terrible because all your plants are dying, it is better to analyze the lifestyle and conditions of your home before getting a green pet.)
Aesthetics above all
Whimsical pots of different sizes look much better for plants than plastic pots. They also reflect your personality more accurately. A small ficus in a huge pool is an artistic decision: it’s all about contrasts! Decorations on plant leaves are a new step in art!
(This may be ok if you drill a hole in a pot that doesn't have one. Or put an ordinary pot with holes for water drainage in a decorative one. But hanging plants with decorations or planting them in inappropriate pots means treating them as things, not living beings. Pots should be of suitable sizes, and decorations might stress the plant because of possible mechanical injuries or preventing foliage from getting enough light.)
Give plants all your love and attention
Especially when it's your first plant: water daily, put in the sunniest place, and give it fertilizer often – any plant will thrive with such an attentive parent! Also, don’t forget to mist the plant at least twice a day, preferably in the midday, so that it does not overheat.
(Actually, no. Some plants, for example, cacti and succulents, will be grateful if you forget about them periodically. They are harder to kill than to keep healthy. Remember that it is always better to underwater the plant than overwater it. Also, never spray the plants in the middle of the day as they will get sunburns. You can harm your green pets with excessive attention and kindness that no one asks for. This type of love is somewhat toxic…)
Move the plant around the house in search of the best place!
You can choose where to hang out with your plant every day, experiment with places so that your pet does not get bored. It's probably so boring if you can't go somewhere, so you have to help your greenery discover new places.
(If you need a pet to walk with, we would recommend a dog. Plants are not supposed to be moved frequently; they are literally rooted in the ground. Thus, change of environment is always a stress for the greenery. However, you can rotate the pot slightly once in several months if you see that the plant is starting to lean towards the light source so that it develops proportionately.)
Strict schedule is everything
For each plant, you can find instructions on how to care for it. Follow those pieces of advice strictly to avoid any inaccuracies. If they say that you should water it once a week, do so even if the soil still feels moist. Apply fertilizers all year round twice a month. Following regular care, your plant will thrive definitely.
(Unfortunately, you can't just rely on technical guidelines only when it comes to plants. It's a living creature, so you should focus on its needs - check the soil yourself, look at the condition of the leaves, etc. Care depends on numerous factors, even such surprising ones as the material of the planter. This is why we need so much info from you when measuring water amount for the watering calculator - this is to make your schedule as personalized as possible. By the way, it is still important to check the plant yourself. Come on, it will bring you closer to your pet?)
In general, it is essential to remember one rule – even the best motives will be harmful without measure. So go with the flow and vibe with your plant, trying to understand its needs better. After some time, it will be clear what and how to do.