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Beefsteak begonia Care

Begonia x erythrophylla

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What is the plant

The beefsteak begonia - Begonia x erythrophylla - is one of the first hybrid begonias, produced in Germany in 1845. It is loved for its green-to-red-looking leaves and its trailing habit, with its creeping rhizomes that often overflow the pot.

Begonia erythrophylla (Beefsteak begonia) is a rare begonia found in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Not usually sold in plant stores, the beefsteak begonia is a real collector's item. The common name of the plant is "beefsteak" or "pond lily". It has shiny round green leaves, red underside. The contrast in colors between the front and back of leaves is truly spectacular. It is considered to be a low maintenance plant.

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Part Sun



15°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 10b






Cold Period

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    In summer, water once or twice a week, if possible with soft water. In winter, keep the substrate slightly moist, watering two to three times a month. Beefsteak begonias like their soil to be kept lightly moist but not wet.

  • Fertilizer


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    Use a regular houseplant fertilizer but dilute it to less than half strength. Apply every two to four weeks and stop as soon as you notice growth slowing after summer.

  • Sunlight


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    The plant can tolerate relatively low light. Bright indirect light works best, though. Be sure to avoid direct sun, especially during summer, as leaf scorching can happen if things get a little too intense for this plant.

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  • Soil


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    A good soil mixture for a beefsteak Begonia can consist of basic potting soil to retain moisture, mixed with a gritty medium like perlite to improve drainage.

  • Temperature


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    Average room temperature of 23°C (about 73.4°F) is sufficient for the plant. Just try not to let things drop below ~60°F/15.5°C.

  • Container


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    Choose a shallow pot with enough drainage holes. Repot your begonia after two years in a larger container.

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  • Popularity


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    152 people already have this plant 52 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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