A large group of fast-growing evergreen trees and ornamental shrubs. Many forms have attractive mottled or peeling bark when mature. Originating from the Australian continent, they can now be found growing in gardens all over the world.A number of good forms such as E. gunnii are suitable for growing in the UK, although they rarely flower well or set seed here. Gum trees can reach extensive proportions, even in the UK, but can be kept more compact by pruning.
Blue Gume Tree Care
Eucalyptus Globulus

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How to Care for the Plant
So water your tree well, if it needs it and especially in a drought or if wilting occurs. This could mean watering once a day on sandy soils to watering once a week. Administer 1-2 gallons of water to your new tree during a prolonged dry spell. In any event, be vigilant over watering until your new tree is established and has grown several feet, which means that its roots are establishing well into the surrounding soil.
The fertiliser needs to be low in phosphate, but high potassium and also contain trace elements, which are vital for balanced growth. A minuscule amount of nitrogen is fine, but excessive nitrogen is to be avoided at all costs: it encourages shoot growth at the expense of root growth. Avoid products such as Gromore. Nitrogen also produces soft sappy growth, which is susceptible to frost damage
Choose a rather sunny spot, ideally well protected from strong winds.
Incorporate planting soil mix into your garden soil when planting.
Eucalyptus do not become fully dormant; they will grow when the temperature is high enough; usually around +5 Celsius. In spring and autumn, the temperature can fluctuate wildly inside a tree shelter, meaning that on warm days the tree will grow, but young developing shoots will be damaged when there are frosty nights.
Citronellal, an essential oil found in most Eucalyptus species is reported to be mutagenic when used in isolation[269]. In large doses, oil of eucalyptus, like so many essential oils has caused fatalities from intestinal irritation[269]. Death is reported from ingestion of 4 - 24 ml of essential oils, but recoveries are also reported for the same amount[269]. Symptoms include gastroenteric burning and irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, oxygen deficiency, ,weakness, dizziness, stupor, difficult respiration, delirium, paralysis, convulsions, and death, usually due to respiratory failure[269]. The plant is reported to cause contact dermatitis. Sensitive persons may develop urticaria from handling the foliage and other parts of the plant[269]. Avoid if on treatment for diabetes mellitus. Infants and small children - avoid oil preparations on faces as possible life threatening spasms
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