Coral Berry is a lively and attractive shrub that flowers during summer and then produces bright red berries that last well past Christmas time. It is easy to grow but attracts everyone’s attention: coralberry might be the plant you’ve been missing.
Coral Berry Care
Ardisia crenata

Coral Berry, also known as Indian Currant and Christmas berry, is a relatively undemanding plant, which tolerates almost all conditions: it makes it a perfect plant for those who are just getting into houseplants. 2 to 5 feet, It has small flowers in July and August and 4-6 mm in diameter, red or pink berries that appear in October and remain on the bush throughout almost until spring.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water when the soil begins losing its moisture. Reduce watering during winter.
Do not be afraid of pruning when it comes to coralberry plants, especially in early spring; it grows back quickly. Cut it back to knee high every 5 to 10 years: new and powerful stems will grow on the remaining stems during summer.
Use all-purpose fertilizer for older plants in spring and summer, but use only organic fertilizers if your plant is young.
It loves bright but not direct sunlight. It also grows well in semi-shade or even full shade.
Well-draining potting mixes are good enough for good growth.
Propagate it by seeds in early spring or stem cuttings (during spring and summer). Both ways are relatively easy.
It needs average warmth of approximately 60-75°F (15-24°C), but no lower than 45°F (8°C).
Plants do not need any special container, and you can plant them in the ground. However, if you still want to grow it in the container, make sure it is big enough and re-pot when needed to size up the container.
Fun fact
One of the names of coralberry plants is Devil’s Shoestrings: you can find its runners six to eight feet away, still attached to the mother plant.
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