Dyckia choristaminea is a plant species in the genus Dyckia. It belongs to the order Poales. This species is native to Brazil.
Dyckia Choristaminea Care
Dyckia Choristaminea

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How to Care for the Plant
Bromeliads that are grown in the air should be watered daily by drenching the plant. They also benefit from being soaked, by immersing the plants in water once a week
Use a water soluble fertilizer mixing it at 1/8 to 1/4 the dose recommended on the bottle. Do not fertilize in the winter months when the plants have reached maturity and are starting to flower. Fertilize during the growing season every other week to once a month.
Different genera of bromeliads are tolerant of different levels of light. Some can withstand full tropical sun, while others will quickly scorch. In general, the varieties with soft, flexible, spineless leaves usually prefer lower light levels, while those with stiff, hard leaves prefer bright indirect light.
Bromeliads frown indoors thrive in fast-draining potting soil that holds moisture but drains well. A mixture of 2/3 peat-based soil and 1/3 sand is often ideal. You can also use orchid mix, charcoal, or soilless potting mix. Many bromeliads that are epiphytic can be grown in containers, or you can try to grow them as authentic "air plants" mounted to boards or logs (typically secured with ties or glue).
Bromeliads are also highly tolerant of temperature variations, but plants in hotter conditions need more humidity. Bromeliads prefer temperatures between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Though some cold-hardy types can survive temperatures down to 20 degrees, they should generally not be exposed to temperatures under 40 degrees.
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