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Angel Wing Begonia Care

Begonia coccinea

Other names: Scarlet Begonia, Coral Begonia, Begonia Dragon Wing, Cane Begonia

Angel Wing Begonia main
Angel Wing Begonia 0
Angel Wing Begonia 1
What is the plant

Begonia corallina, also known as coral begonia, is a perennial flower that belongs to the Begoniaceae family. It is a popular houseplant that is very easy to maintain.

Angel wing begonia can reach a height of 24 inches (60 cm). With careful care, a bush can reach a height of 40 inches (1 m). Begonia corallina spreads widely, which frequently happens if you don't provide vertical support for its stems. This kind of begonias is one of the most rapidly growing. The stems of this begonia are usually straight, but they might bend slightly under the weight of the leaves. One rhizome can produce a large number of shoots. They develop and grow quickly. The stems are naked and have obvious marks from the point where the leaf petiole meets the shoot.

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Part Sun



18°C - 24°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10a - 11b






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    For watering your angel wing begonia, use settled tepid water. Feel free to water the plant when the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. If the leaves start looking yellow, it might be a symptom of overwatering.

  • Pruning


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    Pruning coral begonias is a crucial part of their care. The plant develops a lot of huge leaves. If you don't trim them in time, many of them will fall off. The stem will stay half-naked, which isn't very appealing.

  • Fertilizer


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    During the blooming season, apply the fertilizer twice a month. Once a month will work during summer. Your plant may not need any feeding in autumn and winter (dormancy season).

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  • Sunlight


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    Bright indirect light is perfect for your angel wing begonia. The dots on the leaves become brighter and silvery when the plant is partially shaded. And don't forget to keep your coral begonia away from drafts and cold air currents.

  • Soil


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    You can buy special soil for begonias or violets in the garden store. A composition based on nutrient peat, mixed in equal amounts with river sand, would also do nicely. You may want to disinfect your soil mix before repotting the plant. To do this, heat all the soil ingredients separately for 30 min at 160ËšF (70ËšC) degrees and let sit until cold.

  • Propagation


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    Start the propagation process when the perennial is in its active growing phase. The optimal propagation time is summer and spring. The shoots are well supplied with nutrients and have sufficient sap flow for tissue regeneration. Do not take flowering stems for cuttings, as they heavily concentrate their energy on blooming. Cut a 4 in (10 cm) piece of a healthy branch at a 45-degree angle. Remove the leaves from the lower third of your cutting and place them in a well-moisturized potting mix. Cover with a plastic lid and put away from direct sunlight. Rooting may take about a month.

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  • Temperature


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    The temperature should be at least 18°C (65°F). In the hot season, you can keep your plant at 24°C (75°F).

  • Container


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    A sturdy container about 6 in (15 cm) wide will do. It is preferable to use clay pots since they do not heat up too much in the sun. And don't forget about drainage holes!

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    Angel wing begonia has its name thanks to the structure of its leaves. The plate of the leaf is very dense and indented with deep veins. The uneven edges create the shape of an angel's wings.

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  • Popularity


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    1,128 people already have this plant 372 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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