Euphorbia lactea fma variegata forms beautiful alabaster marbled stems that branch to form candelabra specimens to 6' in height. This is a cristate form with intricately undulating fan-shaped branches of beautiful alabaster marbled with splashes of green.
Euphorbia Lactea Cristata Care
Euphorbia Lactea 'cristata Variegata'

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How to Care for the Plant
Euphorbia lactea ‘Cristata’ should be watered anytime the soil is dry below the surface. During particularly hot or dry weather, this may mean watering your succulent as often as every week. Gardeners that live in more humid climates may find themselves watering their plants less frequently.
Crested Euphorbia prefers full sunlight, but they will do well in partial shade if necessary. They thrive when grown indoors, but can also be grown outdoors if the climate is warm enough.
Crested Euphorbia do not have any specific soil requirements beyond the basics needs of most succulents. The soil should provide plenty of drainages to keep this plant healthy. Like most succulents, it’s recommended to repot your new Coral Cactus after you bring it home from the nursery. While some nurseries use the proper soil required by succulents, the vast majority do not.
Although not technically a cactus, this plant can be treated similarly. The Coral Cactus will thrive at average indoor temperatures, and outdoors can be grown year-round in U.S.D.A. growing zones 10 and 11, or during warmer months in temperate zones.
Although not particularly spiny, the Coral Cactus is potentially dangerous. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and its white sap can irritate skin. So it's best to place this plant out of the reach of small children.
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