Kalanchoe humilis is a low growing, succulent shrub up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall, with an open rosette of up to 4 inches (10 cm) long, gray-green leaves that are strongly marked with maroon spots. The flowers are small, dull purple to green in color .
Kalanchoe Humilis Care
Kalanchoe humilis
Other names: Kalanchoe Prasina, Tiger Strips Kalanchoe, Kalanchoe 'gremlin'

Kalanchoe humilis Britten is a low growing perennial succulent with very decorative leaves strongly marked with burgundy stripes. The plant is native to Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique. Kalanchoes are not particularly hard to grow, and the flowering varieties are highly rewarding for their colorful and long-lasting flowers. It is also drought-resistant.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water moderately throughout the summer and reduce watering in the winter. Watch the fleshy leaves for signs of water distress.
It is propagated by removal of small offsets at the base of the main plant or by leaf and stem cuttings. It grows easily roots at the end of a leaf stalk which has fallen onto ground. New plants are ready within months.
Plants do not require constant feeding.
They prefer bright, sunny locations, especially in the summer growing season. During the winter, consider a south-facing window.
It thrives in nutrient poor soils consisting of equal parts of loam and sand, with pumice or lava grit added to ensure good drainage.
These plants prefer warmth. Do not let fall below 55ºF (12.7ºC). But the plant can be hardy to -2 ° C for short periods.
Any type of container with a good drainage system is recommended.
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