Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form is a rare and beautiful looking vining species of scindapsus with large nearly black leaves. Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form is an easy to grow plant often recommended for low light environments. As it is a trailing plant it will appreciate a brass plant support to climb on.
Treubii Black Care
Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form

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How to Care for the Plant
The amount of water that your Scindapsus Treubii Dark needs is easy to read. You can use a hydrometer or simply look at their behaviour. You know your Scindapsus Treubii need more water when their soil is completely dry. In extreme cases, their leaves start to curl. But don’t let this happen often because they would be stressed. The best water for them is distilled water or from rain. If you use the tap water, it could be too hard for them and they would have mineral deposits on your leaves. During the summer or when the temperature is hotter, probably you need to water them more often since the soil will dry out faster.
If you find their leaves are browning or yellow, better to cut it off immediately otherwise it will cause other leaves to rot as well. Browning or yellow leaves are common since the air circulation and lack of the lights during the trip.
Make sure to fertilize your plant once a month during its growing period (spring through summer). Grab a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, as this will help keep your Scindapsus Treubii’s foliage full and lush.
Part shade.
Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in a sheltered, sunny site. Protect in winter in cold areas.
Temperatures between 65 (18 °C) to 75 F (23 °C) and nighttime temperatures between 50 t(10°C) to 60 F (15 °C).
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