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Acer Palmatum “rhode Island Red” Care

Acer Palmatum “rhode Island Red”

Acer Palmatum “rhode Island Red” main
Acer Palmatum “rhode Island Red” 0
Acer Palmatum “rhode Island Red” 1
What is the plant

Acer palmatum 'Rhode Island Red'. A spectacular dwarf Japanese maple with dense, compact branching on an upright habit and a rounded, ovate crown. The stunning palmate foliage emerges red in spring and deepens as it ages. Cooler fall temperatures bring orange tones.

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Part Sun




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Watering twice a day in hot periods is essential.

  • Pruning


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    In the main acers do not need or like pruning. If any pruning is undertaken it should only be done to improve their overall shape and to encourage healthy growth. Young Japanese maples, for instance, often produce single new shoots in one direction which, if not cut back, will grow on to create an unbalanced plant. Tree acers require a good leading shoot. Species such as Acer davidii often lose their leader and produce two side shoots instead. It is best to cut out one of these side shoots so that the other will become the new leader. Pruning is best carried out when the sap is falling in late summer or autumn. Acer negundo varieties will produce better coloured young foliage in spring if the new growth is trimmed back in mid autumn.

  • Fertilizer


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    Feed with a balanced proprietary fertilizer in spring just as the leaves emerge. Repot every 3 – 4 years in spring well before the first new growth emerges, - this means effectively in February or early March.

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  • Sunlight


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    Sun/Part Shade.

  • Soil


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    Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in a sheltered, sunny site. Protect in winter in cold areas.

  • Temperature


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    A freeze will not harm maple trees when dormant, but during active growth it leads to leaf kill and branch dieback.

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  • Popularity


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    104 people already have this plant 27 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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