In their homeland, this species is mainly found in the bushland, where it climbs between the surrounding vegetation and reaches a few meters in height. The leaves are usually pretty heart-shaped and fresh green, the flowers, which smell of rotting fruit, are red, reddish brown or yellow (depending on the origin of the plant) and stand out wonderfully from the foliage.
Ceropegia Aristolochioides Care
Ceropegia Aristolochioides

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly. Ceropegias appreciate water and a little fertiliser during warm weather, although some care with watering is required for the more difficult species. The vine-like species can suffer from prolonged drought.
However, you may want to control its length, cut off any dead leaves, or remove leggy vines. You can use any clippings to start new plants if you wish.
Use a liquid house plant fertilizer every three to four weeks during the spring and summer months only.
Semi-shade – this plant needs a lot of sunlight, but it has to be protected from the strongest rays of the sun. In a south-facing window, blinds should be shading it form direct light.
Soil pH requirements: 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic​).
It grows in an area that is very hot, reaching temperatures of 40°C.
The plants do well in a container filled with a potting mix that drains quickly.
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